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A somewhat unconventional UI for following content, which incidentally works with RSS Box, is Fraidycat[0]. It groups recent posts under “individuals” with a visualization of how much recent activity there is in a given feed, and allows to choose “follow intensity” which works in a nice and transparent way.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22545878

Hey thanks for this lovely pitch, goblin89. <3 all my goblin friends out there

I learned of Fraidycat in an RSS related HN comment yesterday and have been trying it out. Love some of the homemade quirkiness that I forgot software used to have -- the video is great too.

Only question I have: do you really have to assign every Github issue to yourself, the sole developer? Something about it cracks me up: https://github.com/kickscondor/fraidycat/issues

> "Thanks for the bug report. Fortunately for you, our best man is on the job!"

> kickscondor has assigned the issue to kickscondor

Anyways, just playing. Great product and great shepherding of the Github project.

Oh I feel such a sense of progress just assigning bugs to myself. When I get around to writing a blog post about it, I certainly hope you will be there to upvote it, hombre f.

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