They did mention Go that also has a modern GC, and does not need to run your app under a software VM. But ultimately, even Go is just another GC language. They had no real need for GC and the like so why use Go, let alone Java?
Go's GC is notoriously low tech. Its design dates back to papers published in the 70s. Java's Parallel collector is most similar to Go's GC and its deprecated for removal due to poor performance.
Go collects VERY frequently to keep average pause times low, which hurts throughput. It also has pathological worst-case pause times, which is what the author ran into.
My suggestion of Java is just because its been used for high performance REST for decades. Rust has Actix and a few other frameworks, in Java you have 20+ options. Its a lot easier to get something off the ground when you're 99% sure you won't have to build anything except some glue code. Yes, Rust is faster, but is 30% better performance worth treading the wilds while you're trying to keep a startup afloat, I don't think so personally.
Using Java with Shenandoah or ZGC collector would directly handle their GC issue with rather boring technology