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Math-as-Code (2015) (github.com/jam3)
161 points by yinso on June 13, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 128 comments

Mathematical notation is great at facilitating formal manipulations. This is its critical feature, and without it we would get stuck at the level of ancient mathematics. This is the reason it was invented a few hundred years ago in the first place. That said, I find that notation is often abused in texts as a mere substitute for the normal human language which, while allowing to compress the text, does in fact nothing to help the reader better understand what is being said but rather looks like a crazy mess of characters and other marks in a multitude of fonts, styles and sizes the only purpose of which seems to be to cause an eye strain.

while I understand your point, I often geht frustrated when there's text what should have been maths. It is very easy to skip details which are then hard to pin down when you try to translate it into Mathmatical notation. It can become a real problem.

Many fields have over time developed a Mathmatical notation that's most suitable to it. A notation where irrelevant details are just skipped over (e.g. with neural networks we don't carry explicitly our implicit parameters around, it would be very noisy to have thetas everywhere. Statistics/Probability has other common notation, e.g. the usual symbol for the logical and/logical or meaning min/max). One needs to learn how to read it, bu that's just practice.

Regards your comment about substitute in normal human language, often it's just easier than prose. You can of course explain something in normal language, but whats a quick equation or formal statement might become a whole paragraph in english. If you're comfortable with Mathmatical notation it's just faster to read, easier to understand and more "specific" than prose. It only looks like a crazy mess of characters if you can't connect the dots, it becomes "obvious" very quickly.

I always try to formulate Mathmatical ideas in Mathmatical notation first. It's ways easier to spot weaknesses or details you've not considered compared to prose.

I get most frustrated when they don’t tell you what all the variables/constants are. I feel like that happens a lot.

Exactly. Good maths does not use extensive “notation” per se, only when it is really necessary. Any good treatise has many more paragraphs of carefully written text than of equations: these are only used when they are truly required.

Moreover, mathematical notation is very universally agreed upon. You can read a math paper in a language that you do not understand and just by looking at the formulas you can get quite a good idea of its contents, methods and proofs. For code, the situation is dire: each programming language has a particular, different, and often limited way to express math.

This is not even true across subfields in mathematics -- there's a lot of context-specific notational overloading, and there is often inconsistent notation even within a single long paper.

Ok, but if you see something like ∫Ωf (with Ω as a subindex of ∫ ) you can be 100% sure that it means some kind of linear operator on an object "f", that is additive over disjoint union of the set parameter Ω, and a few other natural rules that are satisfied by integrals (monotony, positivity, etc). Of course in one paper it will mean Riemann integral, on another Lebesgue integral, an on another something completely different, defined axiomatically over discrete objects, but with exactly the same formal properties. In programming languages you have nothing universal like that, except maybe the notation for quoted strings. Such an integral may be written in some language as

    integration.integral.apply(omega, eff)
on another as

and yet on another as

    eff.integrateOver("planarDomain", omega)
and on each of these constructions the visually evident formal properties of the integral are lost and difficult to reason about.

For me, each of those text based representations is more clear, despite their divergence, than the symbolic version.

I have a lot of frustration with this notion of the "visually evident formal properties of the integral" -- I think the existing visual-symbolic paradigm of mathematical notation is intuitive to some subset of people, but that subset does not encompass everyone who could do mathematics at a high level, excluding those for whom some alternate, in this case more text-based, representation is more tractable.

I guess it depends on your background. Some of us studied math much before programming, and then we find some of the notations used in programming extremely preposterous. I meant the examples above as obvious failures of the notation used in programming. I'm honestly surprised (and terrified) that somebody can consider those better in any sense than the mathematical notation.

So much of what I do as a programmer is just try to understand what some existing piece of code does. If I come across code like that, I can search documentation or start to guess at intentions even if it's something I'm not familiar with. I'll probably need to read the documentation associated with some classes or methods to fully understand, but my tools make that readily available.

If I encounter math notation that I'm not already familiar with, my only real options are to start asking people, "hey do you know what this is saying?" or start shotgunning references/papers/books and hoping for the best. Even if I know the names of some symbols, searching something like "integral omega f" doesn't generally yield useful results.

> I can search documentation or start to guess at intentions even if it's something I'm not familiar with. I'll probably need to read the documentation associated with some classes or methods to fully understand, but my tools make that readily available.

I don't see it all that difference in mathematics. A given piece of math will make assumptions on the notations and expects the audience to share those - the example of integrals is a good one. Usually within a particular subdiscipline (or from the context) you'll know if this is a Lebesgue or a Riemann integral - so they don't bother having separate symbols for them. If you're new to the discipline, you may not know the convention, so you have to ask or search.

The thing with software and programming is that it is usually "complete", and that's why you can use your tools to access the docs/definition. It is complete because the universe of options for a given program is relatively small. In mathematics, though, it isn't that small, so the challenge of making all the definitions, conventions available to you for a given piece of math you're reading is much greater. Textbooks typically are good about this, but the more advanced you go, the more you are expected to know as "these are the conventions in this subdiscipline".

A lot of this is probably historical, and no one today wants to bother with making a consistent set of tooling that will get you what you want.

For me, one important feature of notation is its consistency. Eg a inverse of sin function should not be written the same as powers, in superscript. Some programming languages enforce (function-name argument1 ... argumentn), or similar structure, some don't

Using negative powers for applications of the inverse function is arguably consistent, because it is a generalization of the same notation for linear maps.

It does not pose major problems, either. You can easily distinguish f^p(x) and f(x)^p. The first one means "apply f p times to x, iteratively" and the second one means "compute f(x) and raise it to p". It works just as well when p=-1.

> Using negative powers for applications of the inverse function is arguably consistent, because it is a generalization of the same notation for linear maps.

Except that no one will let you get away with (sin^-1)^-1 x to represent sin x. But you can do that with inverse function notation in general. Some of this is just cultural.

That would be a strange notation indeed. But I once met an engineer that called the exponential function the "antilogarithm". It was not a weird mannerism, it was his bona-fide way of calling the function exp(x). Apparently it was the standard name where he came from (somewhere in south america).

I've seen antilogarithm in textbooks. I think it's more common in the complex domain.

we find some of the notations used in programming extremely preposterous.

E.g., = as assignment instead of equality.

Which I presume is why pascal uses `:=`.

Also, in more declarative languages, particularly ones that don't allow reassignment, = can be regarded as an assertion of equality rather than an assignment.

Anyone have a good resource on learning mathematical notation?

There's no such thing as "learning mathematical notation". You learn whatever field you are interested in, and the text you are reading will tell you what the notation is, as "we'll denote multiplication of `a` and `b` by `ab`", "we'll denote `A` implies `B` by `A => B`", "we'll denote derivation of `f` wrt `x` with `df/dx`", etc.

If you want to just learn notation and you're starting from scratch and know how to code, the linked article fits that description.

However, notation for its own sake is not really something I'd suggest sitting down and learning. If you have some maths you want to learn, the notation will come along with that, so any book or article that introduces the maths you want will also introduce the notation (usually building on some foundation level of existing knowledge, e.g. high school or whatever).

I find searching google/ddg to be a good place sometimes. Wikipedia has a list of mathematical symbols I sometimes consult (also includes latex code!) [0]. You could also try Khan Academy videos, which are often helpful.

0. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mathematical_symbols

I hear regularly completly opposite opinions:

- the ones that wish programming would be more elegant and expressive like maths notations

- the ones that wish paper would publish a Python algo instead because maths notations are inconsistant and hard to read

I'm not a maths person, so can people with a lot of experience with it help me decide which one is the more reasonable?

No question about it. Mathematical notation is pure evil that should be cast into mount doom and then some. Mathematical notation makes Javascript operators look sane.

There is barely a single operation in the last few maths papers I've read that doesn't have at least four possible interpretations at first glance, so the only way to understand a single line is to understand the entire theory at once. Needless to say, all variables are described with single letters.

The best defense for it is that it evolved from handwriting, where the difference between `matmul(a,b)` and `a x b`, repeated a few dozen times, is significant. These days, as I type, I define commands to turn the unambiguous longhand into the shorthand.

("But yodel, a and b aren't bolded or uppercase so according to convention they must be scalars!", I hear you say. Ha, ha, ha.)

I am genuinely angry about this. A great deal of practical mathematics is not hard. Mathematical notation is hard, and everyone using it should be a little bit ashamed at how needlessly difficult the field is.

>No question about it. Mathematical notation is pure evil that should be cast into mount doom and then some.

This sort of juvenile over-the top hyperbole is getting pretty boring now. Can you present your criticisms like a normal person instead of calling technical things you don't like "terrible and evil"? Especicially when you say (imo) ridiculous statements like "maths is not hard, it's the notation that's hard".

Notation is, most of the time, trivial compared to the concepts they represent. Funny you should give "matmul(a,b)" as an example, that would be a pretty atrocious way to write mathematics. Imagine writing "equals( matmul(S,matmul(A,inv(S))) , A)" rather than "SAS⁻¹ = A". Which do you think most clearly represents the concept at hand? The "overloading" that you complain so much about, it actually illuminates the fact that the underlying concept of "scalarmul(a,b)" and "matmul(A,B)" is the same. Going even one step further, Einstein notation: a development purely of notation, that makes dealing with tensor algebra a million times more clear.

I swear I don't understand this line of reasoning.

EDIT: I'll go out on a limb here: you're a programmer, not a mathematician, so you tend to look at these things from the prism of a programmer, not a mathematician. When all you have is a hammer...

While I get your reasoning, I think it misses a few important points.

-- 1. Having the same symbol for several things is the mathematicians way of having polymorphism and is a very nice feature.

Take for example the plus sign. Everytime we encounter it, we will most likely be dealing with some kind of abelian group. So just from seing the sign, we can already tell a lot about the context.

Another example would be the sign for the tensor product. I we see it, we are most likely dealing with some symmetric monoidal category . It might be vector spaces, modules over some commutative ring, coherent sheaves, objects in some derived category, etc. But still the important part is that all the stuff we know about this context can be applied.

-- 2. "so the only way to understand a single line is to understand the entire theory at once."

What do you expect out of a single line? Just think of a codebase with 800k lines. Would you expect to understand what the codebase is about by just looking at a single line?

I guess not: You'd rely on the naming of the functions/classes/etc. and how they are composed to understand what the codebase is doing. You'd also need a lot of knowledge about the area the codebase is concerned with to tell what is going on: Is it about a webserver providing a SPA? Is it a database? Is it a compiler?

You also don't expect to understand the whole codebase and it's dependencies (including low level abstractions)in its entirety: If you write a frontend `<div>` tag as part of a frontend do you really need to know the exact way this will end up as instructions on the chip of the computer that is running running a specific version of a specific browser running a certain version using drivers for a specific monitor, graphics card, etc...

All this is also true for mathematics.

-- 3. "A great deal of practical mathematics is not hard. Mathematical notation is hard ..."

Of course mathematics is hard. In fact: If anything related to human thought is hard, it is mathematics.

And more explicit notation will not make it easier. Do you think the twin prime conjecture is still unsolved because a layperson may misinterpret the meaning of a plus sign?

> What do you expect out of a single line? Just think of a codebase with 800k lines. Would you expect to understand what the codebase is about by just looking at a single line?

The whole point is not having to understand everything at once. And I would expect to understand what that particular line does to whatever level of detail I want by reading that line and recursively working backwards through the definitions of each operation invoked. Like clicking on each identifier and then doing ‘jump to definition’ in an IDE, instead of reading a book from cover to cover.

With code, I do this on a regular basis. With mathematics, it is plain impossible.

(And yes, this is why literate programming is a silly idea best forgotten.)

> Do you think the twin prime conjecture is still unsolved because a layperson may misinterpret the meaning of a plus sign?

No. But it very much may be because too few people understand the relevant portions of number theory in sufficient depth — from the highest levels of abstraction down to the bits and bolts of set theory — to notice the key insight necessary to solve it.

> With code, I do this on a regular basis. With mathematics, it is plain impossible.

It's easily possible with systems like Coq [1] plus a nice IDE [2]. There are mathematical libraries for the foundations [3][4].

[1] https://github.com/coq-community/awesome-coq

[2] https://github.com/coq-community/vscoq

[3] https://github.com/UniMath

[4] https://github.com/math-comp

That only works if someone bothered to write their proof in Coq in the first place. Most don’t.

Polymorphism is lovely - if you have strong typing, otherwise it's horrible. I shouldn't have to guess (!!!) that I am "most likely dealing with some kind of abelian group".

I don't expect to solve the twin prime conjecture. I do expect to understand, say, a kalman filter, or a multilayer perceptron. Those are not difficult concepts. And yet... I could not name a single paper that I could say to someone who doesn't already understand them "go read <x>".

How is that anything but damning? What is the point of a means of communication if I cannot impart a novel concept with it, because the reader must already understand all possible and imagined meanings of the plus sign to understand what I'm doing with it?

(side note: who's going to be solving the twin prime conjecture and not providing the proof as code? Why? A computer as an automated theorem checker is revolutionary.)

Sure often guessing is undesirable, but that guess can quickly be resolved with a little extra context. And with only a tiny piece of context you have an immensely powerful tool

> Take for example the plus sign. Everytime we encounter it, we will most likely be dealing with some kind of abelian group. So just from seing the sign, we can already tell a lot about the context.

This! This is exactly my biggest pet peeve in Python. That the plus operator is used, in the base language, for such a notoriously non-abelian operation as string concatenation. As Carlin would say, this is not a pet peeve, this is a major psychiatric hatred of mine. In the (fortunately few) occasions that I have to do string processing in Python, I go to great lengths to avoid any usage of the concatenation operator. I cannot bear myself to use it.

Maybe you've used it already, but you'll like how Julia does it. String concatenation is *, repetition is ^, and the identity element is one(String) = "".

Good because it's rarely a good idea to use it nowaday. Python has much better alternatives with join, __format__ and f-strings.

Aren't the key words, "most likely"?

Exactly. It could be what you expect, or it could be that the particular paper/journal/field has a slightly different syntactic convention, where underlined or bold letters mean something entirely different than usual. And even if the paper explains the syntax it uses somewhere, it's still a new ruleset that you have to constantly remind yourself of as you're reading the paper.

Yes, but sometimes you just want to code up a formula from a book.

> Of course mathematics is hard.

That wasn't what was said. What was said was "A great deal of practical mathematics is not hard.".

The notation "e^(i x pi)"is a crime in 2 languages against countless students. Why E? No good reason. Why pi? Also no good reason. i? When they named it they didn't even know if it was a real thing. They have many faces, and the notation manages to avoid representing a single one of them. Even "self_diff(rotate*half_turn)" would be an improvement; at least some of the meanings are captured.

Naming things is hard, but this is literally 1-letter-naming applied to the 3 most common and important functions humanity has ever defined. The only excuse for it was up until ~2,000AD the mathematicians were working by hand.

It's worse than that: The constant π is the wrong one! Never mind that it's a Greek letter, because we all studied that in our Ancient Greek classes, right alongside Latin and philosophy, where we read Plato.

No, the real issue is that the circle constant is 6.28319, not 3.14159. That's why a "full turn" is 2π instead of 1.

That's why every time I read an equation involving circles, or spheres, or any similar notion I have to take the constant that is in front of π and mentally divide by two.

And nobody should dare pipe up and claim that these are isomorphic and it "doesn't matter", because it does.

There's a tendency in modern theoretical physics to just ignore random small constant factors in equations, even when using natural units. In that case there ought not to be any unexplained constants! Any numbers in those equations ought to have an essential physical meaning, a real interpretation. Numbers ought to count things. But they don't, because of stupid extra constants like the ones needed next to π. This "2" gets blended into everything else, so you get stupid shit like the "8" in the Einstein field equations. Eight of what is being counted here exactly? Oops.. no wait.. 4 circle constants are actually 8 half-circle-constants.

Learn that i := imaginary unit. From then on, every time you want to write the imaginary unit just write i.

Skip learning that i := imaginary unit. Write "imaginary_unit" every time you want to refer to it, for maximum clarity.

Choose the latter and now you have to write "pow(euler_constant, mul(imaginary_unit, circle_half_turn))". Does this sound "maintainable"?

As a professional software engineer who is also formally educated in statistics, I actually think it does sound more maintainable.

But pi has lots of meanings. Sure, it represents a half-turn in geometry, but that is in no way its only meaning (for example, it is also a transcendental real number). The same is true for S. And the fact that that exponentiation with complex exponents is isomorphic with geometric operations is a non-trivial result that your notation losses. For example, log(e^i x pi) = i x pi. Would that be as self-evident as log(self_diff(rotate x half_turn)) = rotate x half_turn?

That "log(e^i x pi) = i x pi" is not self-evident at all. The only reason you know it is because you attended a math class and your professor made you solve 60 problems from a $1,000 textbook until you memorized it.

I don't even know what "e^i x pi" means. How does that translate into C notation? Is it pow(e, i) * pi, or is it pow(e, i) * x * pi, or is it something else entirely?

Unfortunately, the text inputs I have available are not good enough to represent the actual maths notation, which is extremely clear in this respect: it would have an e, and then in the superscript, i π. Since this is such a well known formula (Euler's Identity), I didn't think it would be a problem.

In C notation, this would be pow(e, i * π). Or maybe pow(i*π, e), I don't remember and the notation is pretty bad.

And the point about exponentiation is very simple, and I didn't need to do hundreds of exercises to remember: the natural logarithm of e raised to some X is X, whatever that X may be.

The other commenter's note was that raising some constant to an imaginary number is a very obscure way of expressing the geometric operation that this represents (multiplying by e^iπ is equivalent to rotating a complex number by a half circle). I was pointing out that, while that is true, it loses the algebraic interpretation, which also has value.

I agree with the other poster. If you can memorize log(e^N) = N, you could have memorized other notations for expressing the same. Math notation doesn't make Euler's Identity self-evident, and can be used to obscure the geometric operations taking place.

To those who haven't memorized Euler's Identity (I'm aware of it due to your comment, but will probably forget it in a day or two), this "self-evident" truth is invisible no matter which notation is used.

C notation is bad, but has the advantage of being precisely representable in ASCII. To post math notation you'd need to upload a PNG somewhere.

There is a lot more to work with there than with traditional notation. Traditional notation is literally one letter.

I'd be surprised, on a tech forum, if people didn't see at least the smallest hint of a problem at single-letter naming. The tech industry moved away from that approach with a certain implicit urgency.

There are many differences between the practice of mathematics and programming, to the point that I do t believe that they are comparable.

One basic thing is that PI (and even more so E) are pure abstractions. They correspond to certain physical or intuitive concepts in certain contexts, but their identity across contexts is more important. Even in programming, we sometimes use one-letter variable for very abstract things (the loop variables i, j, k; T, U, V as type arguments in C++ and co, or a, b, c in Haskell; and probably others).

Another major difference is the way this is actually done. Programs are written once and then mostly read, tweaked, debugged. Mathematics is all about writing and writing and writing, a lot of times from scratch. You're not as Lilly to be editing a file from 2 years ago, you're more likely to be writing a new attempt from scratch. And, people will likely only read your final version, not your hundreds of attempts before. So efficiency in writing your ideas is all the more important than in coding.

Another aspect is that, a lot of the time, the mathematician will spell out a lot of intermediate steps between a problem and a solution that, in a computer program, actually fall in the execution, since we're not in the habit of proving our code reaches the final state we envision (even informally); and certainly not in-line with the rest of the program. So again, in mathematics you end up writing a lot more the same few symbols, making long words all the more harmful.


    X + 6 = 5X
    X - 5X = -6
    -4X = -6
    X = 6 / 4
Spelled out as

    Unkown plus 6 is equal to 5 times Unknown
    Unknown minus 5 times Unknown is equal to negative 6
    Negative 4 times Unknown is equal to negative 6
    Unknown is equal to 4 divided by 6
Which of these is clearer and easier to follow?

Edit: I'll also add that function notation works great for unary and maybe binary functions (though operator notation is generally nicer for binary functions), but it becomes horrible for anything past that. For example, the sigma notation for sums is much easier to remember than if I wrote `sum(1, 789, some_value squared)`.

Don't get me started on the notation for negative numbers, that notation is so easy to miss. Mucking up a calculation because it isn't clear which term a minus is associated with must be one of the single most common errors in all of mathematics. I might actually start experimenting with neg(6) instead of -6 after this conversation now that you've made me think about it.

> Mathematics is all about writing and writing and writing, a lot of times from scratch.

Mathematics is all about clever people communicating precise ideas.

> Even in programming, we sometimes use one-letter variable for very abstract things (the loop variables i, j, k; T, U, V as type arguments in C++ and co, or a, b, c in Haskell; and probably others).

They're defined locally though. A loop variable in one program is totally logically unconnected from a loop variable in another program to the point where programmers might give them mutually contradictory meanings. If the meaning was shared across all programs then yes the 1-letter-names would be troubling.

> or a, b, c in Haskell

And part of the reason Haskell doesn't catch on is because very few people can read Haskell programs; I know my interest in it ended when I saw =<< then decided to learn a lisp instead. I still live in cheerful ignorance of whatever that symbol means. I can't even search for it I get results pages in Chinese (!!). It is a bad community to look to on the subject of how to communicate ideas.

I agree that figuring out what the symbols mean can be a frustrating part of mathematics, but once that part is done, I find the notation to be lightyears ahead of what normal programming languages can do in the way of communicating an idea directly.

Seriously, take any 100 ksloc codebase; how many bugs do you expect to be in there? How many of the developers do you expect to really grok what their code is doing on all functional levels of abstraction?

Math papers certainly contain bugs sometimes, even critical ones, but the density of bugs is way lower overall. It's simply much easier to find a bug by staring at a terse one-liner than it is by groveling around 10 pages of "readable" code.

Arthur Whitney's code is definitely not approachable, but once you get over the hump, I find it emminently readable compared to what we hackers tend to tout as "readable code."

I think most of the debate boils down to different concerns. As a communication tool, what is the function of your code? If it's to introduce ideas to a large audience or many non-inductees, then please, use Python or similar. But if your primary communications are only between the system experts, do you really need to optimize for "this code looks grokkable at first sight"?

You are demanding to be able to read a random line in the middle of a book and understand everything. This is stupoid, the book/article/theory will have a section that defines everything is used.

You have same shit on JS where + can mean do a numeric addition or it can mean concat 2 strings and other powerful languages will allow you to have + enhanced so you can use it to add matrices,vectors,fractions time intervals etc.

If you want for example to understand the fundamental theorem of statistics you can read only it and his proof you need to read and understand everything in the book before it.

I disagree completely. You have to be aware of the context. It's like having hundreds of different programming languages. You work in a particular context and you get used to it. I assume you come from a non mathematical perspective.

yeah, I would view every Mathmatical discipline or any discipline that heavily involves maths as a different "programming language". Each having evolved their own sets of conventions and styles (e.g. Mathmatical physics vs Statistics sometimes differ in notations despite describing the same thing). You can't switch from one to the other without learning their style of writing.

They seem like a crazy mix of noise at first, but that's just because you're not used to it. It's like a javascript developer reading their first lines of rust, or the C-programmer reading their first lines of Haskell.

> The best defense for it is that it evolved from handwriting, where the difference between `matmul(a,b)` and `a x b`, repeated a few dozen times, is significant. These days, as I type, I define commands to turn the unambiguous longhand into the shorthand.

How much math/physics have you actually done? In deriving something, or solving a problem, I can have pages of the concise notation. Dealing with your expanded notation would be Hell that no mathematician/physicist would put up with. We struggle even with the concise notation. We'd like an equation to fit on a line, for example, and it's a pain when it doesn't. With your notation, very little of substance would fit on a line.

It's a bit like programming in that sense. If you can fit a function in one screen, it greatly improves the chances of you understanding it. With your notation, you're intentionally going verbose. It may help you understand that one line, but will likely make it harder to understand the overall picture.

And really, it's not `a x b`, it's 'ab' :-)

(And with matrices, it's more often 'AB').

> Mathematical notation is hard, and everyone using it should be a little bit ashamed at how needlessly difficult the field is.

Everyone has his preference of comfort. I don't like much of the notation of logic, and I'm thankful most other math disciplines don't replace "and" and "or" and "negation" with the symbols used in logic. However, the set of practicing mathematicians who share your comfort preference is virtually nil. I don't like the concise, implicit notation in general relativity, either (where lots of stuff isn't even written down but kept in your head) - but I'll trust what everyone who has studied it says: You'd go crazy if it were as explicit as I want it - let alone your level of verbosity.

Also, as an aside, I've had to read code that represented mathematical operations (numerical integration, matrix operations, etc) written by others, and without comments or access to the author it was virtually impossible to follow. Most of the standard programming language's syntax is poor for mathematics.

Edit: I'll add that if your primary exposure is through math journal papers, then I do understand your frustration. They're usually much, much harder to understand than the level in a typical textbook. Unfortunately, this is intentional.

Have you ever read a perl program?

> that doesn't have at least four possible interpretations at first glance

show us

OK, given yodel's answer, I'll go to bat for mathematical notation.

- It doesn't change very much, so you can just pick it up and understand it using what you learned at school. Cf e.g. looking at modern Javascript and wondering wtf all those JQuery selectors are.

- Relatedly, there's not a lot you need to know. I'm not a mathematician, but I can understand most mathematical theorems I've needed to look up with just basic high school algebra, derivatives, integrals, sums, products, trig, and matrix / suffix notation. Find me a piece of code that does anything interesting which has less than six calls to library functions.

- It's extremely concise, so you don't have to scroll through pages of code to get to the point - each line communicates a lot. This is really important, because it stops you getting lost or distracted in the middle of figuring things out.

- It's declarative, so it tells you what you're actually doing, rather than just how to do it. This is like the difference between saying "get me an orange", and giving full instructions for finding a shop that has oranges, navigating to it, etc. I know declarative programming exists (and it has these advantages) but I've never seen it used outside CS courses.

I honestly prefer mathematical notation; it has more upfront work to get good at it, but is much easier to use once you clear that hurdle. I haven't found ambiguity to be a big issue (especially compared to code; how often have you used a function which does something subtly different to what you expected?) although this may be due to the fact that I'm not looking at super advanced stuff (a couple of papers on deep learning, skew normal distributions, the rocket equation, that sort of thing). Especially with the deep learning papers, I found it infuriating how long they spent using confusing diagrams and wordy explanations where a couple of lines of algebra would have made their point instantly.

The true answer is almost certainly YMMV.

> It's declarative, so it tells you what you're actually doing, rather than just how to do it. This is like the difference between saying "get me an orange", and giving full instructions for finding a shop that has oranges, navigating to it, etc. I know declarative programming exists (and it has these advantages) but I've never seen it used outside CS courses.

I find this to be a problem quite often. Maybe my brain is wired differently, but I can't keep declarative definitions in my head and apply them unless I know of an imperative strategy to make them work.

I've first noticed this when, in high school, I was struggling to understand the epsilon–delta definition of a limit. The one that goes like this: https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/619d....

Only after many hours of classes, followed by many hours of staring at the formula, all over the course of weeks, I finally understood what it means. The one missing puzzle piece that no one explained to me was that, when you see "\forall _{sth > 0}", you should read it as "in particular, for a sth arbitrarily close to 0".

Declarative notation is fine if you comprehend all consequences of that declaration. In cases where you don't, it would be nice to have it spelled out which consequences are relevant.

Yeah it depends on the particular theory. Say, if you want to implement some physics model as a computer simulation.

Often, physics is presented as a set of interconnected of equations (some are general, some are based on assumptions, representing special cases). Unfortunately, most of the time these equations are not built "bottom-up", so to speak. They do describe various aspects of physical reality, but often don't allow a nice computational/operational interpretation of it right away. So converting this knowledge into a computational model can be non-trivial.

> It's declarative, so it tells you what you're actually doing, rather than just how to do it. This is like the difference between saying "get me an orange", and giving full instructions for finding a shop that has oranges, navigating to it, etc. I know declarative programming exists (and it has these advantages) but I've never seen it used outside CS courses.

Math notation is unlike declarative programming language in that it's possible to describe an something while telling the reader absolutely nothing about how to compute the object being communicated.

One huge advantage of the notation conventions in math is its concision. The current practice is, at its heart, that a we assign a single glyph to each concept. The notation is tailored for mathematicians communicating to other mathematicians. The terseness lets you communicate, visualize, and think about abstract concepts very directly.

Humans are really good at pattern matching. Giving your concepts very terse names maximizes the ability for this tool to find actually interesting patterns.

Of course, the terse notation sacrifices approachability. If your intent is to communicate to non-mathematicians then it's a bad language. That said, mathematical notation is full of historical quirks and irregularities akin to natural languages. Ideally, we want a one-to-one map between concepts and symbols, but in practice there are cases where the map ends up being more like many-to-many. There are competing notations, overloaded symbols, and often one needs significant context to actually resolve the symbol to its concept.

In a way, programming languages are an inversion of the above good and bad points. Progamming languages are very precise with their syntax, meaning that you don't need to consider author's intent to figure out what a piece of syntax does.

Also, programming languages, by virtue of being executable, are vastly more amenable to empower tinkering and exploration. There is something deeply satisfying about typing in some code and getting an expected result, and when the result differs from expectations, then you found a bug in your mental model. This is much harder to do with pen and paper.

That said, most programming languages and their standard conventions fall short by being relatively wordy and verbose. What is a good one-liner in math symbols often takes up a page of code or more, not including definitions. This severely hamstrings the ability to grok the big picture at a glance, and opting for "words" over "symbols" intruces noise that kills our natural visual pattern matching abilities.

So if you take the above thesis to its conclusion, one would want executable math notation. I'm not sure such a thing exists, but the APL family certainly is a solid experiment in this respect.

From experience in reading machine learning and computer vision papers (shared by many of my peers), it's often way more enlightening to see the code corresponding to a paragraph of equations. Some non-programming math people are angry at this view, but really a lot of mathy presentation is there to impress and obfuscate. Many times the code is straightforward and clear but it has to be artificially dressed up in fancy Greek letters and symbols to make it look like "proper science".

Also a lot of math notation is very sloppy, the opposite of unambiguous. Math people will say it's necessary for brevity, context is important, you must take the relevant courses beforehand etc, be properly initiated etc. then you will understand. But for me it's still annoying even after a CS master's with many math courses. In code, I can jump to the definition of anything and see precisely what is meant. But a math person would say ambiguity is a feature because, say, the integral sign may stand for different definitions, but in this context we don't care which one it is. They'd often say, well, here you could substitute anything, you could use anything here, it doesn't matter what we use for this and that. But really anything? Can I use a pound of dog fur? No. In working code there is at least one working example to suggest what you mean. I will have a much easier time to understand your abstraction and though process.

I think people often think in concrete terms but intentionally keep this secret because abstract ideals are more prestigious, so it becomes the reader's job to figure out what the actual motivation and reasoning of the author was.

Thankfully AI papers now mostly release their code so it's possible to see what they actually do behind the smokes and mirrors on the ground level. I'm all for abstraction and general patterns and proofs but there is such a thing as too much.

I think, in some areas math language is more appropriate, in the others programs and algorithms are more appropriate.

There is not wonder that a machine learning or a computer vision idea might be more accessible as an algorithm program, but this is not universally true for any kind of math.

A well written paper would describe things in clear terms, choosing the most comprehensible means to convey their idea. So, they might provide all three: 1) concise math formulas, 2) corresponding algorithms, and 3) an explanation in English. Not always all three presentation forms are achievable, but all of them can be useful and enlightening for the reader.

Unfortunately, in reality, there might be problems with presenting things in clear way:

1) A scientist might think that it is too verbose to repeat themselves, so they present the idea in only one form, at a single place in their paper, and think it's enough ("for the intelligent reader"). You want to find certain balance between conciseness and clarity, imo.

2) A scientist might be so immersed into the specific area of study they are writing about, so they don't see the reason for explanations for the more general audience. Here, it depends what audience the scientist is trying to reach. Also, not all papers present a good exposition of the field of study anyway.

So try finding good papers that explain things in clear terms at your level of comprehension. Read those, then move on to find new sources.

Neither. Mathematical notation and programming languages serve two different purposes, and I think they both work pretty well for what they're designed to do. Math papers are about communicating with other humans, so they use the shortest language that is effective for the particular problem they're studying. Notation is not meant to be universally unambiguous, because that leads to a much larger language.

This difference must not be exaggerated. Mathematical notation is declarative/functional, and programming languages designed in a similar vein are not unheard of.

The idea of using code to represent math in a paper is similar to an “idea” to stick with printing code in TeX instead of letting it be converted to the neatly typeset result.

Depends on who the paper is for. Theoretical CS papers for example, often don't have any code, but sometimes have pseudocode (for example in page 4 of PRIMES is in P [0]), to describe their algorithms. If the paper is written for people with less math background then writing up the algorithm in at least once language as a sample implementation is the way to go.

Also there's nothing wrong with doing both?

[0]: https://annals.math.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/annals-...

To be completely honest, I find it hard to believe when people claim that the reason they never 'got' mathematics was because of the notation. Actually understanding the concepts will almost always be significantly harder than understanding notation.

Notation can be difficult. Given my years with logic I can now read a reasonably complex piece of it and hope to interpret it quite easily if I have some feeling for where the author's going. It does take practice but you need to be exposed to it a fair bit (as when learning a natural language) and have someone to ask, to talk it through with you, until you find your feet. Without some coaching from my uni lecturers at first, and a very good book as well, I probably would have given up.

There is a natural tendency to avoid learning the notation. Even though it would be easy, it goes against our instincts to intentionally go out of our way to look up notation we don't understand. With natural language one often picks up the meaning of new words based on context, after a bit of repetition. So it does not come naturally to people to do otherwise.

> to look up notation we don't understand

Not so easy. I was trying to find out which of NN and ZZ was what, try searching for those. If you don't know what the signa (summing) sign means, how are you going to find it?

A quick google revealed this easily. Ctrl-f'ing this article


for "Sigma" gets you that capital sigma is the summation symbol. ℤ etc are there too though they are admittedly harder to Ctrl-f for.

Good luck googling for operators in a programming language as well though.

Like with a programming language, for which you might want to skim a tutorial, if you are doing real analysis or whatever is talking about the sets of integers or natural numbers, you might want to skim the opening pages of a textbook or other course. The most common things are usually defined early on, and the less common things are often defined in-text when they are used, e.g "consider the bijective function f: ℤ→ℤ", now you know what f is and just need to google "bijective function". And if you do you'll see the notation about the domain and codomain (which you would also see in the opening chapters of an analysis textbook or lecture notes).

I mean, learning how to use a programming language involves having to do some reading too to get to grips with hard-to-google things. Maths is no different.

It's not so easy. I really was looking for those 2 (NN and ZZ) recently and had a fight. Also bijective function, problem is I can read about it all day but I need an intuitive understanding (which I do have now but wasn't born with it).

> about the domain and codomain

I was taught these as domain and range. Another notational inconsistency.

I basically agree with you but maths is a lot harder for some reason than programming. I don't think it's just me either. Perhaps if we could animate maths... I don't know. It's simply not an easy thing.

Codomain and range are not the same - range is the set of numbers that actually come out, codomain is like, some kind of set that those numbers are drawn from like the integers (I'm not even sure, but it has never mattered enough for me to find out). For the case of a bijection of course the codomain and range are going to be the same, but not in general.

But, there are ocassional renamings of things that usually improve the overall lingo. Some things I learned one way but they have now been renamed. E.g. I learned about 'one-to-one and onto' functions instead of 'bijective' functions. I think you'll agree 'bijective' is better than 'one-to-one and onto'.

The same happens in programming languages and libraries when they rename functions from time-to-time. For a while there are inconsistencies whilst both are in use, sometimes permenently if the new name comes about by a creation of a new programming language or dialects.

It's true that searching for a strange symbol you don't know the name of (or even have the unicode character - if it exists - on hand) is hard. If you knew they were called "blackboard-bold Z" you'd be able to find out via google what it meant pretty easily.

(I am totally assuming you mean blackboard bold by writing ZZ and NN, otherwise I also don't know what those mean)

"Codomain and range are not the same" - Umm. Interesting. Not aware of this.

"I learned about 'one-to-one and onto' functions instead of 'bijective' functions" - For a beginner? The former. Past beginner? The latter. It's context.

The "strange symbols" I only came across when searching for are described as double-struck. I only found that recently. I only found out yesterday they were also called Blackboard, while replying to others here. Difficulty in finding symbol meanings are no way the hard part of maths, though.

When I was young, I remember mathematical notation being intimidating when getting started.

I highly recommend reading The Little Typer if you want a great book that bridges math and code. It starts out describing Pi, a Lisp with some interesting restrictions (limited recursion, types can have values, etc.). They build up some cool stuff like vectors with the size encoded in the type. All of a sudden, they explain that equality is a type, and any value of said type is a proof! Turns out you can think of many proofs as manipulating data structures to get a value of a certain type.

I wonder how long until we get a somewhat mainstream language with pi types. I know Rust considered adding them. And I recently learned that Rust does allow for quantification over lifetimes^[1]. I could certainly see a language that implements dependently typed arrays. Midori for instance looked into eliding bounds checks with compiler proofs^[2].

[1]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/beta/nomicon/hrtb.html [2]: http://joeduffyblog.com/2016/02/07/the-error-model/

I think at this point, Haskell is the most likely to become the first mainstream PL with Pi types: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/dependent-haskell

You should take a look into Lean Theorem Prover (among others) ;)

I also liked how the Fortress programming language enabled you to switch between regular syntax and math notation:


The language has faded into obscurity though.

Mathematica has that, though the math notation is more about display than input.

Proper mathematical notation is absolutely for the input. Maybe not integrals and sums (which are a bit unclear), but fractions, powers and the more specialized notation is quite nice for readability.

There aren't many screenshots available, only a couple of lo-res images on Google image search: https://www.google.com/search?q="fortress" programming language mathematical&tbm=isch

I think the clear answer is that you want both -- maths notation, and at least one implementation in a non-specialized programming language with clear functional/procedural semantics. If you understand one or the other, you then you can also learn the mapping between the two. This is also important to remove ambiguities in notation, makes errors in each more obvious, and aids in reproducible results. Of course, applicable input and output data also needs to be supplied for verification. If the code is too long to publish in a paper (usually there is at least some core idea that can be expressed) then it should be in GitHub or elsewhere at a stable URI -- papers often refer to academic sites that 404 soon after.

As a non-mathematician who has been recently been looking at papers in journal back-issues from about 1970 to 2010, I certainly would have benefited from this.

On a related note, another issue is that that maths must be implicitly ordered in the context of the prose of the paper, while programs have actual entry-points and (without nitpicking) explicit ordering. (It's possible that ordering can be relaxed, but correctness preferred over runtime cost.)

I think "maths-as-data" is more important here -- use a parsable common notation with enough meta-data that I can view it any way I want -- as math-with-greeks, math-with-friendly-names('en-us'), as APL, as plain Python, Python with numpy, etc.

I thought this was going to be about a math textbook (the ideas, not the notation) that relied on previous proficiency with code. [Category Theory for Programmers](https://bartoszmilewski.com/2014/10/28/category-theory-for-p...) meets this description. Is anyone familiar with any other good examples?

I would pay a fairly large chunk of my income to someone working on this kind of alternate representation of mathematics full-time. Email me at soham [at] soh.am if you're interested.

The closest thing to this kind of alternate representation is formal mathematics, as seen in systems like Mizar, HOL Coq, Lean, Isabelle and the like. The fact that it generally "looks like computer code" is often seen as a drawback, but it does have its advantages. In fact, some of these systems allow for constructive theories, which means that they are programming languages of a sort.

I think there's a place for alternate representations like these outside of proofs that need to be exhaustively machine-checkable. I have, for what it's worth, had far better experiences with Coq and the like than with mathematics in general.

I'm curious, what's your motivation for wanting this? I'm asking because:

a) I'd be interested in your offer

b) It's not clear how this alternate representation would look like. I'm hoping that your possible use cases would shed some light on that

I've found that PyTorch is the smoothest for math <-> programming (at least when it comes to vector-like calculus).

See for example gradient descent in maths (LaTeX) and in PyTorch: https://colab.research.google.com/github/stared/thinking-in-...

For the smoothest math <-> programming

I have the contrary impression. Fortran and matlab/octave are great for numeric math. Julia is also very good. The python math stuff (either torch or numpy) is always an unreadable mess, you are always fighting against the language. The matrix product and exponentiation operators look like a bad joke. I do not understand how people can take this stuff seriously.

To some extent, it is a matter of taste. Personally, I love functional notation (technically, in PyTorch its chaining) e.g.:


This way we can rite a lot of things, and we don't need to make up a new combination of punctuation marks and special characters for an operation.

For example, while one can write in Python:

torch.sum((x @ y) 2)

I consider it less readable. I mean, here maybe it is fine, but once it gets longer, more complicated, or we want to add new operations, it turns into a mess.

Vide "style" section in: https://github.com/stared/thinking-in-tensors-writing-in-pyt...

Both of your examples are equally ugly and equally unreadable to me. Why cannot it be something like Σ(x*y)^2 ? Why the extraneous words "torch", "matmul" and the ridiculous operator @ ?

Σ(x*y)^2 is the closest to the traditional notation, which does not mean that it is the best one.

I have a strong preference for notations that can be read consistently from left to right (vide pipe operators, chaining, etc). A litmus test is if when I read something I use the word 'of'.

If you do anything more complicated that only vector-matrix operations (i.e. a lot of quantum information, all deep learning), with all multiplications you need to specify dimensions somehow. Having only two operators for multiplication is not enough.

I'm of the same opinion. In Julia it would be

sum(A * B) ^ 2

If you define sum as Σ then you can do

Σ(A * B) ^ 2

yes I like Julia very much because it seems to put the natural instincts of mathematicians upfront. When programming in Julia you do not have the impression of fighting against the language continuously. Everything that you want to do is accessible, and it is alright if you implement your computation in the most natural way possible. If I try to do that in python, I always end with an ugly mess of numba, numpy and calls to C code used at different places for different reasons.

I think you mean sum((A*B)^2)? That's one character shorter than pytorch if you import sum out of it, and Σ = torch.sum would be fine in Python too.

No, the parent example was sum(A * B)^2.

I don't think you can use * if you want to backprop, for example in layer regularisation. You'd need to use only PyTorch operations such as torch.mul(A, B).pow(2).sum().

The point here isn't that PyTorch can't look similar to Julia in this small example, rather that I can just use regular, concise Julia syntax - unlike in Python + PyTorch where I need to use PyTorch constructs that are outside of Python.

Well, there's the notational ambiguity!

In maths notation, Σ(x * y)^2 would mean Σ((x * y)^2), but in most programming notation, treating Σ as a function, it would be as you say. I'm going with the original formula in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23508661.

I don't know PyTorch, but regular Python, Numpy, Sympy, etc. seem very similar to Julia in this instance.

You're right, that was my mistake - but I wouldn't say that it's extremely ambiguous in this case, I just wasn't consequent enough in reading the formula.

> I don't know PyTorch, but regular Python, Numpy, Sympy, etc. seem very similar to Julia in this instance.

If you need PyTorch to record the operations for the backward pass later on I believe you need to use PyTorch versions of *, +, etc.: torch.mul, torch.sub, torch.add, etc. In Julia you can just use built in functions and let Flux handle the backward pass.

why is "@" so bad? i mean it's a huge glyph but it's just an operator like +-×÷•, you get used to it

It's bad because it's a special operator for this operation because Python is not made for scientific programming. That's exactly why you have np.matmul, np.dot, etc. all over the place.

Looks like the two asterisks cancelled each other out in

  torch.sum((x @ y)**2)

While I like PyTorch very much I have found Julia + Flux to be even better.

Could you show some examples?

I did try to use Julia quite a few times (including, I don't know 8 years ago), as I loved the philosophy (brief yet fast, types). Sadly, I never considered it readable - a mix of new concepts, legacy MATLAB syntax, and in general disregard for this part (even function names didn't have consistent naming).

If it moved a lot with that respect, I would be happy some nice examples.

I mean, that's a strange thing to say since PyTorch and especially Python are much further from the math than Julia and Flux.

For example, if I want to regularise a layer:


    l2 = layer.pow(2).sum()

    loss += lambda * l2

    l2 = sum(layer .^ 2)

    loss += λ * l2
I can just use regular Julia functions whereas in PyTorch I need to use special PyTorch functions as to not detach the tape. This only gets worse and less readable the more complex things I want to do.

I guess one core thing is that I don't think that the traditional mathematical notation is particularly consistent. (For a reference, I published over a dozen mathematical papers.)

I love when the "data-flow" is consistent, from left to right.

The Julia code (and traditional mathematical notation) reads: middle, right, left.

Plus, instead of inventing infix notation, I find it cleaner to write custom methods/functions rather than rely on (a fixed, limited, and non-apparent) set of built-in inflix operators.

Made-up .^

Homotopy type theory is a programming language whose original purpose was "math-as-code". Gaining widespread adoption among mathematicians, let alone programmers, seems unlikely as mathematicians dislike programming languages for their perceived lack of elegance and are firmly set in their set theoretic ways, while most programmers balk at the barest hint concision and rigor.

HoTT isn't a programming language, because there are non-value normal forms. That's the whole reason behind research into various formulations of Cubical Type Theory, which is a programming language.

Intensional intuitionistic type theory is a programming language. Throw in higher inductive types (still a programming language at this point) and Voevodsky's univalence and you've got HoTT. Then sure, the simplicial model is not constructive, whereas the cubical models give computational meaning to univalence, but they're still just that, models of HoTT. So would you prefer I had said HoTT has models that are programming languages?

programming is a special applied type of math.

This is really cool, but where I get really lost in not on the more basic stuff covered here, but the more advanced math that shows up frequently in ML papers for example.

It seems like there is a lot of stuff in math that is kind of like code libraries or functions in programming, except you are supposed to just remember exactly how it works rather than having the source code.

I love this kind of stuff. Following this thread for books.

Currently I'm doing Data Science From Scratch except in C++ instead of Python.


I plan to create a Show HN shortly, but I created an interactive Python tutorial to teach engineers how to read and implement math using the NumPy library, called Math to Code:


It takes you from basic functions like square roots and absolute values, to summations, matrix multiplication, to measures like standard deviation and the Frobenius norm.

I was inspired to create it while taking the Fast.ai course and Jeremy Howard showing what looked like a "complicated" Frobenius norm equation that could be implemented in a single line of Python.

It's open source and should also work on mobile.

If anyone is seriously interested in doing mathematics on the computer, give Sage a try. It gets rid of many machine-particularities, like floats not being real numbers (due to limited precision). You can easily represent and solve equations, do calculus, integration, etc. And it supports a python-like programming too.

So you can write a for loop which solves an equation with different parameters at each iteration, for example. You can write logical proofs too, although that's not the main purpose. (I think doing calculations on your computer and generally being a superb Math assistant is where it's at).

> It gets rid of many machine-particularities, like floats not being real numbers (due to limited precision).

I will have to doubt that for the simple fact that it is impossible to have a real number type on a computer.

Real numbers are represented as abstract data structures, not as infinite series of digits (although that indeed fits in a Turing machine? :p)

So for example, '2' is recognized as an integer and is represented using arbitrary size integers. You can also however write 'x = sqrt(2)' (or just 'sqrt(2)'), which has no finite digital (irrational), 'x' is a real number. You can then ask for finitely many digits of x, with 'x.n(5)' (gives 5 digits), or write something like 'y=x^3+3x-4', which gives another real number, represented as this polynomial data structure itself.

The only problem with this is irreducibility. You can compose arbitrarily many operations on floats and still get a float of the same size. With this approach, it may not be possible to simplify a series of operations so the representation can grow unbounded.

edit: Fun fact, there are (real) numbers that indeed cannot be represented in a finite computer no matter what -- but they cannot be represented in paper or uniquely represented in any finite abstract form either! This follows from the pigeonhole principle: finite expressions may represent numbers, but there are uncountably infinite (2^(N0)) real numbers, and only countably infinitely many expressions. So indeed almost every real cannot be represented. You can think of those as not being identifiable with any property, so there's no finite expression to describe them. They're more or less random.

There are real numbers that can't be represented in an "infinite" computer either.

Every real number can be associated with an infinite series of digits, so a theoretical infinite tape could hold any one (or countably infitely many).

> so a theoretical infinite tape could hold any one (or countably infitely many).

I am not sure what you mean with that. You could have an infinite tape that holds the number 1 and an "infinitely sized" irrational number at the same time.

In the future, I hope, there will be more convergence between formal proofs systems and the mathematical notation for learning, teaching, and storing knowledge. Systems like Lean, Coq, Sage Math, Octave, etc should work together on bringing more uniformity to the representation. Not for the actual code or an engine but some uniform language/format/interface, bringing the way to read and write it as a daily math, while preserving portability between those systems.

Am I missing something, or is the arrow operator (mathematical implication) not quite right in the example code they give? What happens when a statement is vacuously true?

Weird that they left out the completely baffling yet for some reason ubiquitous Leibniz notation

I had a lot of trouble following mathematical (often analytical) notation because you could never drill down. It wasn’t until I started looking at the code making up math libraries that it all came together.

Oh. I was expecting someone to post the original APL paper here.

In JavaScript you should use Number.EPSILON rather than 1e-5

Beautiful !

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