If you read my comment again, you'll see that I'm not claiming that they are "judge, jury, and executioner" at all. I'm saying that people perceive them to be, and act accordingly by optimizing for the score, not what the score is supposed to measure.
Wouldn't be surprised if they use it in search rankings, chances are they already do. And not being on Google effectively == dead. They already take into account page load speed (which discriminates against complex but useful & good web apps) and iirc also whether you have AMP.
Google using technology they have developed to rank other sites on their search engine while making sure that nobody cna leave the Google-verse (as AMP sites are served from Google's CDN and not the original source). It would open them up to huge anti trust issues, so at least officially they have said that it's not a ranking factor.
Do a test and compare your own optimized site to an amp site. See if you can't beat it. Not that hard when you consider the 3rd party requests amp requires.
Maybe Google's CEO runs lighthouse on a server in his closet and personally has hacked it into something ads something something data something something search
My point being, I'm not personally amenable to conspiratorial thinking, it correlates with argument dysfunction
sometimes dev tools are just dev tools, and nothing is perfect.