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While this is a pretty complete list of some of the most interesting things out there, it might be a little overwhelming to a newcomer.

I'd suggest starting with what everyone seems to start with:

- https://www.braveclojure.com/clojure-for-the-brave-and-true/

Its a pretty fun read, and does a good job of covering the language (plus its free, which is probably why most people start there).

You could also take a look at Programming Clojure (written by some of the people behind the language, Alex Miller and Stuart Halloway), which I think is a better resource, but it does cost money.

It can be tempting to want to start in the deep end and try to create something like a web app from scratch as your first attempt at using the language, but there isn't really a Django or Rails for Clojure and you can easily get lost in the weeds (as I did).

My approach to learning Clojure was to start with a simple setup (for me its VS Code with the Calva extension, and deps.edn for managing the project files) and forcing myself to use Clojure for any small utility scripts that I might have otherwise done in bash or JavaScript.

This allowed me to get a feel for the language and how to work with the REPL without having to also digest a lot of information on how a specific library or framework works.

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