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"The code for that project has run for years without modification or error."

To follow up on this point, if you ever need ammunition to sell the use of Clojure inside an enterprise level organization, just show your Chief Architect the graphs of code stability over time for Clojure (pg. 71:26) and ClojureScript (pg. 71:30).

After working with JavaScript (not trying to bash) for the last few years, the idea of stability has become top of mind for me.

Wow, I didn't expect such differences compared to Scala. These graphs need a study on their own.

Looking at it, seems like the Scala code base found some stability in 2011?

This could be a factor:

> On 12 May 2011, Odersky and collaborators launched Typesafe Inc. (later renamed Lightbend Inc.), a company to provide commercial support, training, and services for Scala. [0]

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scala_(programming_language)

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