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> And once I'm done, I'm done.

My wife does live production (AV) for big shows and concerts. It's a stressful job; for a lot of it, you're on tight timelines and have one chance to get it right. Any mistake you make is pretty clearly obvious to all of the people in the room. You plan the shit out of it ahead of time: one missing item on a truck can be a (pardon the pun) show stopper.

But like you said, at the end of the night, when the trucks are all packed up, you get to go home and never worry about that particular job ever again. If something went wrong, there might be a post-mortem the next day with lessons learned for next time, but it's over.

Some days I am thankful that I don't have her job. Some days I am jealous that she gets to walk away from it all at the end of the night.

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