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It's a guns issue, surely? Not got the exact stats but for 2019 I think police killings in the UK ~3 and US ~1000, with only a 5x difference in population. I'm a well spoken law abiding white guy and American cops frighten me.



Let's not forget that the police themselves have their own share of fallen officers. For 2019, ~150 officers killed, out of ~700k total LEO.


It seems you're overstating the case. When I click through I see causes of death like "heart attack" and "automobile crash". Other people die of those causes as well.

Policing isn't even in the top ten most dangerous jobs. Save the honors for fishermen and lumberjacks.

Full data. I'll let you decide which deaths count and which don't.

    Total Line of Duty Deaths: 147
    9/11 related cancer         24
    Accidenta                   l1
    Assault                      3
    Automobile crash            22
    Drowned                      1
    Duty related illness         2
    Explosion                    1
    Gunfire                     48
    Gunfire (Inadvertent)        2
    Heart attack                19
    Motorcycle crash             1
    Struck by vehicle           14
    Training accident            1
    Vehicle pursuit              1
    Vehicular assault            7

They shoot-to-kill anything that they feel like threatens them. I can see how that might keep them pretty safe.

I'm a well spoken law abiding brown guy and American police don't frighten me. Have you considered your fears are not grounded in reality? Even with the cop killings as high as they are (and they should be lower), you are much more likely to be hurt by criminal violence than violence from the police.

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