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Thanks for sharing that quote. It helps me understand your view a little bit more. Of course it’s well known that blacks experience a disproportionally higher degree of discrimination, but can we stop shifting blame for looting and vandalism over to another entity? Even if you want to blame the government, you would be hard pressed to find a law that oppresses anyone by race. Racist laws? No. Classicist laws? Yes.

It's not about shifting blame, it's about understanding that complaining about looting is missing the forest for the trees.

Protests and looting are a symptom of much deeper ills.


> you would be hard pressed to find a law that oppresses anyone by race. Racist laws? No. Classicist laws? Yes.

With all due respect, this position exposes a lack of understanding of US history, and I'm not just talking about slavery or the civil rights act.

Some things to Google if you want to open that Pandora's jar:

- Redlining

- Poll taxes

- Nixon starting "War on Drugs" to target black communities

- Federal exclusion of black families from New Deal homebuying programs

Many of the laws and policies that have targeted black people specifically are also classist through a certain lens, but when you look closer it's usually targeting poor people because poor Americans are disproportionately black.

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