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Regarding [1], you can simplify it even further by ditching jekyll altogether and writing the html directly.

That's true, but then I'd have to manually list posts, do forward and back buttons, and when I'm writing the articles do all kinds of boiler plate. Plus, markdown is much nicer than Html to write in.

On top of that, Jekyll doesn't add any weight for the client.

I don't know... I've been bitten three times by jekyll updates breaking my site in the worst moment. Thus I replaced it by a makefile that concatenates the appropriate html headers into the stuff I write. Couldn't be happier/more relaxed.

I have a friend that wants to use Makefiles as a build system for his website, C macros as the templating engine for the HTML, and a JS->C library so his WebAssembly C can access the DOM. Hence, he wants to write his web apps in C lol!

Sorry, the mentioning of Makefiles brought that back. In any case, you might be right, but it's a very simple website and Jekyll is easier. I'll cross the bridge of incompatibility when I come to it. Thanks for the heads up though!

> C macros as the templating engine for the HTML, and a JS->C library so his WebAssembly C can access the DOM. Hence, he wants to write his web apps in C lol!

Websites in C are alright, but this sounds like a crazy setup.

In my case, there is no C and the makefile does only "cat header.html $^ footer.html > $@"

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