This collective is a little different given that it consists of multiple groups organizing and coordinating long term planning among nationally networks.
Completely different from a bunch of script kiddies on 4chan getting together Friday night and ddosing for the lulz, or any subsequent incarnations that are true to the ephemeral spirit of anonymous.
Also very different in that most of 4chan is right-wing or far-right nowadays, largely due to /pol/. Most of the site's posters are supportive of the police in this instance, and sees the response and civil unrest as "anti-white rhetoric and violence perpetrated by liberals and black people". Many believe Floyd deserved to be killed.
(There are still some more moderate and reasonable bastions in some boards, but most boards are thoroughly infected by /pol/.)
"Anonymous" has been disconnected from its origins for well over a decade now.
>Also very different in that most of 4chan is right-wing or far-right nowadays, largely due to /pol/. Most of the site's posters are supportive of the police in this instance, and sees the response and civil unrest as "anti-white rhetoric and violence perpetrated by liberals and black people". Many believe Floyd deserved to be killed.
This isn't quite right. 4chan is more right leaning than almost any other place online (save for voat and 8chan among others), but all political views are expressed on 4chan. You may get shouted down but you won't get banned for saying almost anything. The trouble is that "right wing" ideas are overexpressed on 4chan because these people are being totally deplatformed everywhere else.
This is dangerous because when you silence one of a two party system, you're actually silencing a range of ideologies that aren't "left leaning enough" and create an illusion of consensus, when in reality you are forcing thousands of political dimensions, and millions of people, into two generic boxes. I think part of the alleged rise of "white supremacy" is actually a response to being forced into the conservative box and dehumanized with accusations of Nazism and such.
Completely different from a bunch of script kiddies on 4chan getting together Friday night and ddosing for the lulz, or any subsequent incarnations that are true to the ephemeral spirit of anonymous.