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There's an unreleased Dreamcast game with a playable near-complete build leaked, called Propeller Arena. It's probably in my friend group's top-4 favorite multiplayer games for the platform, despite not actually having been released. Actually aside from MVC2 (still more fun for us amateurs than MVC3—and kinda looks better?) it might be the most likely game for us to play on the DC, just because the others have newer, better replacements, but I've not seen anything newer that's quite as arcadey and easy-playing as Propeller Arena in its niche (multiplayer propeller aircraft dogfighting, mostly)

I'd argue that Capcom has never made a better looking fighter than MVC2.

I really wish they’re re-release it on a modern console. My DC’s gonna die one of these days and it’s a pain to keep old consoles in service. I’d really rather have it than 3. Which is probably why they don’t—it’d directly compete with the new one.

I think it's technically on ios...

Not anymore. Was for a while (and also other platforms) but hasn’t been purchasable in IIRC several years. Though I’d forgotten it was for a while. Still, aside from iOS even those consoles are old enough that I’m trying to find new platforms for all the games I play in them, so I can get rid of ‘em.

It wasn't too difficult to find, either (I think; untested): https://hiddenpalace.org/Propeller_Arena_(Sep_11,_2001_proto...

Despite the game's concept being entirely arcade-focused that prototype date makes me wonder if the plane focus had anything to do with the cancellation...

Yes, it had - also, iirc, it had a level with the twin towers in NY

Edit: Here's a video of "Tower City": https://youtu.be/HE4W5FbeWds?t=748

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