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I agree completely. I left an early github issue open with some examples. It just isn't my forte. I've worked with frontend guys who were mostly CSS ninja's and we never relied on framework mechanisms beyond applying some classes etc. I just lack the base knowledge to know what the expectation is here. I know Svelte has a very impressive system. I could look at doing something similar with Solid just not sure where to start.

It's a dumb example, animated lists transition are kind of a good go to... https://svelte.dev/tutorial/animate as is https://dev.to/buhrmi/svelte-component-transitions-5ie

Yeah I guess I mean more I don't understand what it takes mechanically to support those types of transitions. It makes sense to me but I also feel like there would be a lot of details in a generalizable solution. Super interesting though.

I think that's exactly right. it ends up being a LOT of super specific, fragile code --- so kind of interersting thought to see if you can make them elegant/easy/emergent in the library/framework itself.

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