Years of picking through the pieces of other developers loosely documented homespun apps made me appreciate the value in a framework - even a dead or dying one. As a rule of thumb, if I'm developing a pet personal project, then I'll write it myself, if its work then I'll consider a framework, depending on the scope of a given project. In the real world of commercial web applications your project will very likely be touched by many other developers over time. Many of these developers may have a relatively fleeting engagement - i.e addressing one bug or adding one feature.I prefer not to force these developers to read the entirety of my code to do their job.
I wonder how many (besides myself) would not even apply for these jobs working with outdated framework? I imagine most would want something relevant to their career?
Frameworks might help with the bus factor but eventually they become the bus? (hit by the back of the bus? how visualize this?)
I think you are selling yourself short, I would really love to read your code. If the alternative is familiarizing myself with the horrors of [say] Angrular (no really, say it out loud) the choice is easy.
Maybe the job ad should demand the applicant to be familiar with CrapPOS. Then I would be like, hummmm interesting company? maybe? In stead of my usual aaaahhhhh no no not [say] Angrular (really say it out loud, say it really slowly twice)
> I wonder how many (besides myself) would not even apply for these jobs working with outdated framework?
I would think twice before applying to work with an outdated framework; I would think three times before applying if it said “you are going to be developing for our home-grown web framework” :)
Only if you are a major player which defines the de-facto in the industry.