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The text implementation is quite nice. I wish I had seen it before I did this, https://github.com/boyter/BATF

One issue I had with it though is I am unable to cut/copy paste multiple rows inside it using standard keyboard shortcuts, but other then that very impressed.

EDIT - For the cashflow, I dont suppose you can add the option to not use pie charts? I find them so deceptive when looking at figures.

For multiple rows, press Control+Shift+C, V, X. Since I allowed for autosizing textareas which can store multi-line data, I didn't want to override the normal Control+C/V. shortcuts.

No dice, since I have Clip-X installed and bound to that shortcut. Glad to hear you have that functonality in there though. It would have been a dealbreaker for me otherwise.

I will have a go at using it as a replacement for my BATF for a while and see how it goes. Thanks for releasing this!

I just realized you could do Control+Alt+Shift+C/V because of how I implemented the keyboard events. I know it's quite annoying to press 4 keys at once but at least it would work.

I've used a text-file myself for years but finally made this last year because I wanted features like access from any PC, sharing, and collapsing that didn't get reset all the time.

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X worked for me on a Macbook Pro/Snow Leopard/Chrome

I'm not a big fan of pie-charts myself but I think I got just lazy and made those. I'll add an option for regular bar charts.

Cheers. Thats the only reason I could see myself not using it and its a minor one at that!

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