Tipping and the shaming culture around them is what I believe will ultimately kill delivery apps and a lot of in person dining in a post covid world. There isn't a single person in my age range I've ever met that didn't once work in a restaurant (where the owner under paid them) that thought of them as anything besides a sneaky way of the owner extracting more money from the consumer. If the person is from another country or lived abroad the hatred for tips is even higher. Tipping for older adults was once an optional item for exceptional service to the under paid but it is now just something you're forced to do by the owner for their employee doing their job competently.
I absolutely don't think ghost kitchens are the wave of the future in the city when most people would actually prefer to save five to ten dollars on the delivery plus the arbitrary tip in nearly all situations besides being inebriated.
I absolutely don't think ghost kitchens are the wave of the future in the city when most people would actually prefer to save five to ten dollars on the delivery plus the arbitrary tip in nearly all situations besides being inebriated.