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Yahoo Jerry Yang: Please Don't Fire Me (alleyinsider.com)
7 points by trs90 on June 30, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Inclusive of taxes, that's a biggie. The net effect, inclusive of taxes, really wouldn't have put Yahoo! in a much more favorable position or made it any more liquid. As the article states, "Yahoo reiterates that the deal would have added nothing to Yahoo's cash flow, despite Microsoft's claims that it would add $1 billion a year."

Who runs alleyinsider? It has a sensational, vacuous, valleywag linkbait look and feel.

I was just thinking exactly the same thing, that these guys were for companies what Valleywag is for people.

The web seems to be making content sites evolve in the direction of linkbait.

  The web seems to be making content sites evolve in the direction of linkbait.
The currency of the web is links. That incentive system alone is enough to explain it.

May be time to take another poll to see what to do with them...

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