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That is…not how most Rubyists view things, and not how most of the Ruby code out there works.

Yes, Rails brought convention-over-configuration to the forefront of Ruby programming, but it wasn't the first library to do so…and it's had a lot of external influences as well. Remember that Rails3 is essentially Merb2, and that's heavily influenced by Rack as the backing mechanisms for networking.

Just in the Web arena, Rails is the big player, but Sinatra matters, as does Padrino. Ruby is still closer to Perl's TMTOWTDI than Python's "preferably one".

[Edited to fix typing errors from the iPad.]

I agree Rails is not the Ruby opus magnum and the easiest way to get convinced about it is to read ruby-talk list for a couple of months.

OTOH the Python's "one way" is also not the point and is easily misunderstood.

I recently jumped into myriads of Python low-level webserver libs and engines - like say Sinatra. I had to investigate them thoroughly to decide what to use for our startup. There are dozens of them and each encourages some other style of programming. There wouldn't be so much of them if people went into "one way of doing things" church.

You're right: it's a preference for "one obvious way", not saying that there's "only one way". My error for saying this the way that I did.

Ruby also has a bit of the "obvious way" (convention over configuration) stuff, but it's not as front-and-center as, say, the Zen of Python (where the obvious way stuff comes from, IIRC).

There's more in common than not in common between the two languages. I still prefer Ruby because it works the way my brain does (or, more accurately, there are choices made in Python design that do not work the way my brain does).

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