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Stuxnet's Legacy Lives on in New Windows Bug (decipher.sc)
187 points by whiteyford on May 14, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 44 comments

It's worth reading the full technical analysis https://windows-internals.com/printdemon-cve-2020-1048/

It's well written and easy to follow even for someone that doesn't know much about Windows security.

And if you didn't read it the bug comes from the fact that the Powershell command Add-PrinterPort can be used to add a printer port as a file that you don't have access to. After restarting the spooler service you can then use this port to write to that file.

This was very interesting, thanks for posting it! I will say that this is a bit misleading though:

> the bug comes from the fact that the Powershell command Add-PrinterPort can be used ...

The bug is in the print spooler service and the Windows API to access to it. It just happens that PowerShell offers an easy way to access the Windows API, which makes it easy to illustrate the exploit.

Interesting - can you write back to RDP clients that are connected? As a call-back to infect a connected computer?

If so, seems like you could use it to break out of VMs/RDP servers.

I thought Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon was a fantastic chronicle of Stuxnet.

For those not interested in the whole narrative, it's still interesting to browse one or two chapters of interest.


I just checked and happy to find that it's on Audible.

Can anyone recommend similar audiobooks on tech that are not as well known?

If you're looking for more computer security / hacking related books, I can recommend "Sandworm" (by Andy Greenberg) and "The Cuckoo's Egg" (by Cliff Stoll). Both appear to have audible versions.

I'm not sure about the "not as well known" part, but these are some other books similar to Countdown to zero day and most of them have audiobooks available.


The Mastermind by Evan Ratliff

I thought the video was very compelling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8lj45IL5J4

Why's it so difficult to write a print spooler?

I'm not too familar with what it does exactly. But I presume it's a queue of documents to send to a printer and some level of conversation of the data from a print document format to what the printer driver understands.

This seems like quite a crazy bug. Also today, a lot of home printers are network printers so it shouldn't even require higher privilages to send the document to the printer, right?

Or is printing in Windows a huge can of worms like its use of UTF-16?

It is indeed possible to design a system that only works as a client for network printers as a pure-userland service; I believe this is what iOS has, in the form of AirPrint.

But most OS printing services cover both network and local (USB, parallel, even serial!) printing, and therefore the print daemon needs to essentially "own" ACLs on some collection of USB-devices and even "own" direct bit-banging access to a set of serial/parallel-ports, in the same sense that X11 gets to own VRAM memory-regions, or an audio daemon gets to own bit-banging access to a set of DAC controllers.

Coupled with this is the problem of supporting legacy software that expects older consumer-microcomputer OS paradigms for device access. This isn't so much of a problem on POSIX systems, where the oldest paradigm (having /var/spool as a sticky dir, where roff(1) would just write files there) was already multitenant-friendly; you just need a print daemon (CUPS) that can watch /var/spool for changes, along with its non-legacy API. I believe you can roff(1) even within Termux on Android, and it'll "just work", without special kernel support other than the generic filesystem notification-event API.

But Windows specifically inherits a print-system design all the way from DOS, and still supports software (e.g. Win9x software written for the Win32 API) that was written to expect that legacy API. I don't know too much about the Win32 print API specifically, but I'd guess that it was designed to be a forward-compatible shim on top of the DOS printing "API"—which was really just allowing the application to bang bits down the serial/parallel port through memory-mapped IO.

That's what the "LPT1", "COM", etc. devices in Windows are: emulations of those same legacy memory-mapped IO channels that only make sense to access in a single-tasking OS. But, as of NT/W2K, it's actually the OS on the other end of that pipe, arbitrating data flows. So that's another thing that needs to happen in kernel-land in Windows: the emulation of an unprotected MMIO memory region within the process's address space, as a glorified syscall ABI, which just (these days) routes messages to the userspace print daemon, but back in Win9x probably did do all its work in kernelspace.

Printing is essentially a communications function. You send bytes to a device over a bus or port. You don't need any sort of access to hardware registers.

LPT1/COM are not emulations of unprotected memory-mapped IO channels. They're DOS device names, inherited more or less from CP/M, and DOS itself would call a routine to I/O to a device instead of a file if the special device names were used. A DOS program didn't need to bitbang the UART or parallel port registers to print things, though some did I'm sure.

The Windows print spooler does not need to access I/O ports directly, it can simply open up a device and doesn't need kernel-level privileges to do it. (It may very well be actually doing that for some godawful reason but it doesn't need to).

What the Windows print spooler does is allow distribution and even installation I believe of print drivers - and that's why it needs kernel-level access and support of that hardware is why the Windows spooler architecture won't change. Something is going on because you can't delete print drivers in Windows with the spooler service running.

This is part of Microsoft trying to make network printers plug and play. Tbf it's working OKish these days, a lot of times you can connect a printer and it's recognized or installed by Windows automatically, though you still need to install your scanner utilities for AIO devices.

Why don't we have a version of Windows without as much legacy support? Like a security hardened (or really just modern-only) version of Windows?

I suspect most people would be fine using that version of Windows, and it would have less security problems.

Because supporting the "long tail" is basically Microsoft Windows's entire selling point.

Everything works with Windows. I can run Linux software on Windows. I can run run greenfield web applications on Windows (the new Edge is being built for this purpose, but even Chrome for Windows was satisfactory, as long as it's easy to install). I can run old web applications on Windows. I can run old win32 applications on Windows, even stuff using emulated 16-bit APIs.

About the only thing you can't run on Windows is XCode. I wonder how big of a bribe Microsoft has tried to propose to Apple to get XCode for Windows, because developing iPhone applications is an enormous gap in Microsoft's moat.

The locked-down RT tablets were a horrible blot on an otherwise great brand. "Everything works with Windows" is a terrific selling point.

> About the only thing you can't run on Windows is XCode. I wonder how big of a bribe Microsoft has tried to propose to Apple to get XCode for Windows, because developing iPhone applications is an enormous gap in Microsoft's moat.

Because this is a fun tangent, it's part of the reason Azure DevOps has one of the largest collections of macOS machines in any cloud, and I'm sure it is mostly used for building iOS apps. The number of tools Microsoft has built or acquihired to Develop/CI/CD iOS apps is quite high counting the various versions of App Center (and its predecessor HockeyApp), Xamarin, etc.

Much of the "point" of Windows as a platform at this point (i.e. the reason that developers stick with targeting Windows APIs, instead of re-developing their software for portability using Java or Qt or Electron or whatever-else) is backward-compatibility.

People say that a lot, but it has a very specific meaning when talking about a platform SDK: "backward compatibility" here specifically means that if you wrote version N of your software for version N of Windows, then when you're writing version N+1 of your software targeting version N+1 of Windows, you don't need to re-write any of the old code. You can just start taking advantage of the new Windows API features in the new code you write, while leaving your old code that calls legacy Windows APIs alone.

Almost all large Windows applications are written this way: a gradual sedimentary accretion of calls to whatever Windows APIs were modern at the time of writing. Even first-party software like Office still makes calls to kernel-shimmed 16-bit APIs, right alongside calls to the modern UWP APIs.

But nevertheless:

> Why don't we have a version of Windows without as much legacy support? Like a security hardened (or really just modern-only) version of Windows?

We did get this; it was called Windows RT, which could only run software (re)developed specifically for the WinRT platform SDK.

WinRT applications are automatically sandboxed; are able to be developed in many languages, including Rust and Javascript; and, while being native code (when you use a compiled language), are also architecture-agnostic—meaning mostly that you can easily build one deliverable for the Windows Store that contains binaries for x86, ARM, and any other arch Windows Store supports, and then by downloading your app people will transparently be downloading whichever sub-package their device needs.

But, well, few developers bothered, because most major pieces of software would need to be majorly rewritten to support WinRT. It was mostly used for greenfield projects by existing companies; or as a target for new Windows porting efforts (e.g. of iOS/Android software.)

Originally the incentive for using WinRT was supposed to be that only WinRT apps could be sold through the Windows Store; but since so few third-parties bit this bullet, Microsoft backed off and allowed all their biggest bigcorp partners—exactly the people they were really trying to convince—to just submit non-WinRT apps to the store. As of that moment, WinRT-the-SDK was dead in the water; basically no large project has been rewritten for it since then.

> Even first-party software like Office still makes calls to kernel-shimmed 16-bit APIs, right alongside calls to the modern UWP APIs.

This is a bit of a misleading statement, because Win16 and Win95 had a different kernel interface than exists today: namely kernel.dll, then kernel32.dll -- those all used to be very simple traps into kernel mode. Then NT-based Windows made those and others into user-mode wrappers for the "real" syscall interface living in ntdll.dll. To prevent people from writing software that wouldn't run on 9x, and to provide flexibility to change ntdll at will, they resisted making ntdll a public, documented API for a very long time.

So basically, all Win32 apps today are written against a shim for a legacy kernel interface, any time they open a file, etc.

Regarding your description of WinRT.... You are missing that WinRT was not very capable and missing a lot of functionality. There is a bit of a problem with 21st century Microsoft in this regard. They cannot re-create their prior 1990s successes. They don't know how to write app platforms anymore, without deprecating them a short number of years later because oops, they turned out to be inadequate.. So the only way to have a decent Windows app is to write against the stuff that's been working for ~25 years and they haven't managed to break yet.

That is the reason you won't see, say, a browser rendering engine not depend on Win32. It's not because they don't have the time or ability to rewrite. (Google Chrome's Windows engineers, I don't know if you noticed this from reading their source tree or looking at their blog posts, but they are damn good.) It's because WinRT is missing stuff and it can't be done.

See also: Microsoft's various quests to provide a next-gen app framework. WinForms, WPF, Silverlight... They can't get anything to stick like Win32 did, and many later attempts end up with worse quality and shorter lifetimes than the earlier ones.

WinRT is more capable and has more functionality. The added permissions sandbox and tougher (battery-life focused) app cycles blinded a lot of developers. The biggest problem with the WinRT stack has never been capabilities: it's been migration paths from legacy Win32 brownfields. (Had Microsoft delivered more of WinRT earlier to older versions of Windows such as XP and 7 as stepping stones, and/or had Microsoft delivered more of the XAML Islands-style interop between Win32 HWND world and WinRT CoreWindow world there probably would have been a lot faster adoption and lot less hand wringing from developers.)

Under the hood, WinRT isn't even that different from Win32 "best practices": ignoring the sandbox and app lifecycle it's a subtly better version of COM in its own apartment.

> That is the reason you won't see, say, a browser rendering engine not depend on Win32.

What are you even talking about? IE11's Trident rendering engine fork that became Spartan/EdgeHTML was (and sort of still is in that it will be supported for a while left) entirely WinRT native from Windows 8.1 up until New Edge/Edgmium.

Even Chromium is adopting some of the WinRT libraries for rendering on Windows. For instance, by default for many versions of Chromium it uses DirectWrite (when running on Windows 10) for font rendering, and DirectWrite is the font rendering system from WinRT/UWP.

> See also: Microsoft's various quests to provide a next-gen app framework. WinForms, WPF, Silverlight... They can't get anything to stick like Win32 did, and many later attempts end up with worse quality and shorter lifetimes than the earlier ones.

This also makes less sense than you think it does. WinForms is a simple .NET wrapper around Win32. It's practically the same thing.

The way Microsoft sees it, and WPF and Silverlight (which at one point was known as WPF/E for Everywhere) were the Alpha/Beta stages of what became WinRT/UWP. Microsoft remembered (it was originally a design goal of WPF that got cut for time/effort in the Longhorn struggle) they needed to move back to COM or a COM-like space from focusing on the .NET VM space only, because they do have a lot of brownfield C/C++ and other language applications such as Office. (Here again, pretty much the history of both the reasons behind WinRT and its successes/failures are all about the brownfields of development.)

> tougher (battery-life focused) app cycles

This is ... not the whole story. The best way to be kind to the battery is to stay off the CPU when you have no useful work to do. If you are saving and restoring state at every loss and gain of focus because you might be killed by an overzealous app platform in between, you are burning more resources for nothing.

> What are you even talking about? IE11's Trident rendering engine fork that became Spartan/EdgeHTML was

So you cite what is pretty commonly regarded as a "loser" browser engine -- so much so even Microsoft abandoned it.

> and DirectWrite is the font rendering system from WinRT/UWP.

I thought it was neither WinRT nor GDI. AFAIK a COM API in the style of DirectX.

> WinForms is a simple .NET wrapper around Win32. It's practically the same thing.

Yes, I know, and this is why it's often more popular than WPF and its descendants. As I said, many later attempts end up with worse quality and shorter lifetimes than the earlier ones.

> The best way to be kind to the battery is to stay off the CPU when you have no useful work to do. If you are saving and restoring state at every loss and gain of focus because you might be killed by an overzealous app platform in between, you are burning more resources for nothing.

The original WinRT lifecycle never save/restored at every loss/gain of focus. It did exactly what you suggested and zeroed CPU usage at loss of focus. Best practices encouraged "save as you go", which most applications have moved to naturally as disk and network I/O got "cheaper". (Look at the history of auto-save across the decades in Office, for instance.) It forced applications to save additional restore state only at intervals after usage stopped (X minutes after loss of focus with no return to focus; -Y in the "alt+tab stack" MRU list of recently accessed apps), and it tried its best to merge restore state and deep linking as concepts (the only thing that "should have been needed" when forced to save/restore while doing "save-as-you-go" was deep link state). Post-web, deep linking is a critical tool and should be a default, if you are "burning more resources" to deep link you are probably doing something wrong, and that is what the platform tried to build on. At least in terms of the strictest best practices around the Windows 8 app lifecycle model, it seemed quite clear that it was very battery focused first and foremost (and yes, very tough). Windows 8 even had (and Windows 10 relaxed) very strict quotas on how much CPU, storage access, and other parts of what you could do to save/restore state towards the goal of enforcing the best practices that save/restore should be mostly deep links and other content saves done elsewhere in the application (presumably "save-as-you-go").

> So you cite what is pretty commonly regarded as a "loser" browser engine -- so much so even Microsoft abandoned it.

Just because it "lost" doesn't mean that it didn't exist like you strongly asserted, nor does it even mean that it was technically inferior. "Worse is better" is a Unix mantra for a number of reasons, but seems to apply here quite appropriately. Microsoft didn't abandon EdgeHTML because it was technically bad, they abandoned it because it was some version of marketingly bad and/or politically bad and no one was using it.

> I thought it was neither WinRT nor GDI. AFAIK a COM API in the style of DirectX.

This gets back to the "WinRT is just a subtly better COM" discussion and the ever so intentionally blurry space between DirectX COM and WinRT and the semantic games of who owns what. I think it's silly that more of DirectX COM doesn't have better native WinRT bindings because it's mostly just a difference of metadata at this point, but besides that DirectWrite is direct dependency in the WinRT stack, doesn't exist in non-WinRT versions of Windows, and is often considered to be a (low level) WinRT library more than a DirectX library.

Again, I think that only further serves my point that ignoring the app lifecycle and sandboxing, WinRT is a blurrier thing than the rigid box people think it is with more backward/forward compatibility with the Win32 world than both was apparent at first (especially in the Windows 8 era) and had there earlier been a more graceful path to opt in to the harder pills to swallow like the sandboxing and the app lifecycle then we'd probably have a lot fewer conversation today about whether or not WinRT was "capable" or was "missing features" from Win32.

(Yes, that also means that WinRT isn't also the extreme "clean" break from Windows Win32 legacy that people always assume it is. The walls are a lot blurrier today with more WinRT libraries than before providing direct Win32 COM access and XAML Islands, but removing app sandboxing the walls would have been a lot blurrier even in Windows 8's yesterday too.)

>> WinForms is a simple .NET wrapper around Win32. It's practically the same thing.

> Yes, I know, and this is why it's often more popular than WPF and its descendants. As I said, many later attempts end up with worse quality and shorter lifetimes than the earlier ones.

I feel like my point escaped you on this one. WinForms was never sold as a replacement for Win32, it was always just Win32. If it was marketed as a replacement for anything it was a replacement for previous Win32 RAD tools like VB6.

Silverlight was never marketed as a replacement for Win32. It was marketed as a replacement for Flash and Java applets (and HTML in some cases).

Two of your three examples were never meant to be Win32 replacements, so their "worse quality" (ymmv) and "shorter lifetimes" are irrelevant with respect to WinRT.

(Sure, you can bring up Windows Phone 7 where Silverlight was used as an application API stop gap in the brief period where WinRT wasn't finished but was the writing on the wall, but Silverlight was sold as a stop gap at the time and the expectation and admission was always that a "Silverlight-like" system would replace it in the next version, as it did, migration headaches aside for developing for a stop gap on the road to the next application framework.)

Also, "shorter lifetimes" is an interesting statement given that both WinForms and WPF are still supported in Windows, expected to be supported nearly perpetually, were just ported to .NET Core for many benefits and gains, and have a much increased access to WinRT libraries and XAML Islands. The future is bright for brownfield developers of WinForms and WPF. Sure, the general recommendation is still not to use either tech for greenfield work, but most companies go for "security and support" when discussing lifetimes and those horizons are still fine, there's nothing stopping greenfield work from happening in WinForms/WPF beyond "general recommendation".

Now, WPF was sold as a DirectX-based replacement for WinForms certainly. It's possible to see that as an implicit argument that it was meant to be a replacement for all of Win32, but of course WPF never entirely escaped the Win32 legacy as had been it's original predecessor's vision. I still often assert that WinRT is the fulfilling of a lot of the original WPF vision, and in that way that they are more alike than different, WinRT is a "final" version of WPF and the evolutionary tree of WPF, Silverlight (WPF/E), and WinRT a lot less choppy and/or internally discordant than a lot of people want to think. That comes down to aesthetic judgments like "worse quality"; I don't think that statement applies to the evolutionary tree like you think it does. WPF, Silverlight, and WinRT all have different niches/fitnesses in the evolutionary tree. But I also don't see Silverlight nor WinRT as "descendants" of WPF but that all three are descendants of the proto-WinRT (sometimes code-named Avalon), which was more WinRT like than not and it took a lot of evolutionary pressure to "finish".

> Post-web, deep linking is a critical tool and should be a default, if you are "burning more resources" to deep link you are probably doing something wrong, and that is what the platform tried to build on.

This whole statement results from shoehorning the web inappropriately into an app model and only makes sense if you have done that mental gymnastics in precisely the same way. Nobody else did so nobody built WinRT apps.

The model works best for toy apps. This fits with other aspects to conclude they shipped something which was appropriate for demos written by interns but not battle tested like decades of win32 was.

> Windows 8 even had (and Windows 10 relaxed) very strict quotas on how much CPU, storage access, and other parts of what you could do to save/restore state towards the goal of enforcing the best practices that save/restore should be mostly deep links and other content saves done elsewhere in the application (presumably "save-as-you-go").

Yes, I remember some discussion of this in Redmond. It seemed very misguided. We are not talking about a real-time OS here where you can feel good about hard deadlines. And it's quite difficult to intelligently enforce those limits without knowing what useful work the application might do legitimately for the user. It is an arrogance and a denial of realities of things like the halting problem. And, it's been a while since I looked into it, but it seemed at one point like Apple and Google did a better job letting you react to being killed through similar mechanisms.

> This whole statement results from shoehorning the web inappropriately into an app model and only makes sense if you have done that mental gymnastics in precisely the same way.

Where have you been? The web has been the application platform of choice for a number of users and developers for nearly a decade now. Sure, HN is full of complaints about every Electron app under the sun, but the web "won". Most user expectations on how apps function come from the web these days. Mobile app platforms are full of deep linking and other web (and post-web) concepts.

> The model works best for toy apps. This fits with other aspects to conclude they shipped something which was appropriate for demos written by interns but not battle tested like decades of win32 was.

This is blaming the egg for the chicken. WinRT hasn't been battle tested for decades because it hasn't yet had decades. It's arrogant in its impossibility.

I have used some great WinRT apps that weren't "toys", "demos", nor "written by interns". At this point you just seem to be name calling for no benefit. I get it, you haven't liked what you have seen for WinRT. You haven't given many technical reasons, and this name calling continues to not serve your argument.

> at one point like Apple [...] did a better job letting you react to being killed through similar mechanisms.

Apple has basically the exact same quotas early WinRT tried to place on apps, Apple just has a lot more clout when it tells developers "Our Way or the highway".

Which again, continues to prove my point that if Microsoft hadn't tried to "force" developers to do the right thing, and instead offer more carrots and fewer sticks people would have a better idea of what WinRT actually is rather than just name calling at it because it forced them to learn new things and then was "mean" by requiring sandboxes and app lifecycles that actually tried to be user friendly, you know just like Apple was already doing with iOS years before WinRT released.

I was poking around in the task manager of my Win10 box the other day. I saw a process called ModernSomethingSomething.exe. I don't remember the name exactly. The "Modern" part stood out to me and I wondered what decade it was from.

Who would buy a version of Windows that doesn't run the Windows back catalog?

If you don't want to run programs, you could get a Chromebook.

From what I've seen so far, Windows 10X is heading in this direction.

For business uses though, that backwards compatibility is absolutely key. From my work in IT I've seen countless applications originally developed for much older versions of windows, where the developer is no longer releasing updates or has even gone out of business altogether.

Yet some important part of the business still runs on that software for some reason, so it needs to work. This is where backwards compatibility in Windows is a huge strength.

The average home user probably can do without such legacy features (other than maybe playing old games which may rely on them), but for businesses its pretty important

> Why don't we have a version of Windows without as much legacy support?

Microsoft makes a ton of money selling the exact opposite.

There is an edition of Windows called "POSReady" that is used in Point of Sale, ATMs, and other embedded devices. Microsoft guarentees drivers won't change, no patches will be issued, and almost all security controls are disabled. If you build on top of it, the underlying OS will never change.

That was/is the whole idea behind WindowsRT, Windows 10S, and Windows 10X, which go all-in on UWP/MSIX/whatever which are sandboxed and heavily restrict access to older APIs.

So we have plenty of versions of Windows like that, but they are not doing very well in market share so far. It turns out it's hard to get everything people want to keep working on such a version.

> which go all-in on UWP/MSIX/whatever which are sandboxed and heavily restrict access to older APIs.

Not all MSIX/Store installs are sandboxed [0] these days (and that's been the case for multiple versions of Windows 10 now). You can ship any Win32 application in an MSIX today, and even put them on the Store. The Store reflects that they have much more unrestricted permissions than a sandboxed application. (Example applications in the Store include iTunes and Photoshop.)

10S still supports any Win32 application willing to package an MSIX and upload it to the Store.

10X is expected (there haven't been a lot of direct details, there may be more next week in the virtual BUILD conference) to support all the same Win32 applications, with just a slight further indirection of moving Win32 space into a lightweight VM similar to (but not entirely related to) the modern (32-bit only) Win32 emulation system in recent versions of Windows 10 on ARM (or similar to in a different way the sort of lightweight VM that WSL2 uses to boot up the Linux kernel).

[0] Technically, parts of them are still virtualized to make install/uninstall cleaner, but that level of virtualization has been a part of many classic/legacy EXE/MSI installs since Windows Vista. You can argue the semantics of whether or not that is still sandboxing, but it is definitely far removed from UWP-native modern permissions-oriented sandboxes.

Windows has moved several legacy features to the "Add and remove windows features" menu, but not nearly enough


I think the key problem is that it's very old; almost certainly the core code dates from NT, possibly earlier.

Longer analysis: https://windows-internals.com/printdemon-cve-2020-1048/

The core is:

a) you can set up a printer port that prints to a file

b) no admin privilege is required to do this, just a check on the ownership of the file

c) the ownership check is in the wrong place, so you can just create a port that prints to a DLL in system32

d) a second export forces Windows to load that DLL and run a specific function as SYSTEM, at which point game over

FYI this comment is getting roasted on twitter https://twitter.com/browserdotsys/status/1261100295704190981

I'm still in awe of stuxnet:


Almost certainly an NSA product.

It was a multinational effort (US, Israel, Germany), mostly lead by the NSA.

This must be the first time I've ever seen Germany implicated in this. I consider it 100 times more likely that the UK was involved than Germany.

I personally believe the German government was aware, but did not directly participate in a meaningful way. However a German corporation played a huge role.

Siemens engineers deployed a PCS 7 lab environment at the Idaho National Laboratory, where research in to exploits was conducted. Coincidently one of the methods Stuxnet used to stay hidden was demonstrated at the KEMA Control Systems Conference in Idaho Falls.

Separately, Siemens engineers built a replica of the Iranian system at Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center in Israel using P-1 centrifuges the US obtained from Libya's nuclear program.

From my very vague recollection of this from Countdown to Zero Day, there were some Germans (at Siemens?) who had expertise in the industrial control units that Stuxnet was attacking.

Definitely don't take that as fact though :)

For a recent take on the geopolitical effects of Stuxnet and many other cyber attacks, I can recommend The Hacker and the State: Cyber Attacks and the New Normal of Geopolitics by Dr. Ben Buchanan.

I found it to be a fascinating account of international cyber attacks with a clear, well-argued thesis.


Stuxnet is a masterpiece in terms of achieving goals while attacking hard to hit, network isolated facilities.


It would be very interesting to see the next Stuxnet class viruses, sponsored by major companies/countries. I'm fairly sure there are some already running in the wild.

I'm pretty sure I recall the "Generic / Text-Only" printer driver from Windows 3.0 days.

Isn't Alex Ionescu also the chap working on ReactOS, a clone of Windows?

TL;DR; there was a local privilege escalation bug in Print Spooler (fixed yesterday). The article calls it "Stuxnet's Legacy" because Stuxnet hit the same component. But Stuxnet bug was a remote code execution (10 years ago).

TL;DR; There are undisclosed unpatched CVEs pending for Windows Print Spooler services.

From the article: "The [researchers] also said that they had found and disclosed some other bugs in the same are that have not yet been patched “so there’s definitely still some dragons hiding.”"

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