I went through 2 aneurysms (I know unlucky), went through 2 brain surgeries, then got hit with mitral valve regurgitation which steamed from having endocarditis (rare virus that sits on the heart). Then was in a coma because of the aneurysm, when I woke up I needed to learn how to walk again. Before that I went through physical abuse, poverty, lived on my own (boarding schools, houses I rented etc) since I am 13, hustled, did drugs, and all kinds of other stupid things. Why am I telling you this on HN? Because this is part of the journey of an entrepreneur, I've been starting businesses since I am 16 as an escape to a poor reality and a bad environment, I am not from the US (from Israel) but came here (live in Palo Alto because of the amazing freedoms and opportunity that this country provides and of course to leave my junk behind. After failing many times and teaching my self how to code/design software, I am finally on a path to something that works.
I have a product with traction, revenue (I had to find a business model early on since I know no one I can raise money from). Now I am at a point where my startup is growing but I need to scale it way faster before someone comes in, its a wide open market for something that has huge revenue potential (we are making already 15K a month without trying because of our limited team of 2).
I came here because I wanted to ask for your help, how does one raise money when he knows no one, I realized that the tech industry raises money purely or mostly based on connections/introductions, I don't have that at all what should I do to get in that door?
Thank you in advance and sorry if the spelling is not perfect :)
<p>btw I am 25 yo if you are curious because usually the above sicknesses come to older people.
My question: do you have a scalable customer acquisition model? Put another way-- if someone dropped a chunk of money in your lap, do you already know (in detail) how you would spend it to increase traction and revenue?
If so, sink as much of the 15K/month you are making into that.
Oh, and apply for YC.