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Remember simcity's microwave power station? Microwaves beamed down from space :)

"it's all fun and games until somebody lose an eye"

in city telecom microwave antennas on top of buildings already kill thousands of bird every day.

maintenance checklist start with "clean the dead birds from base of antenna"

I don’t believe the frequencies used for terrestrial communications cause injury, but rather birds are generally killed by physical impact with towers. Much like windmills.

Please show a source if I’m mistaken.

The problem is that directly in front of a microwave antenna, power output is on the KW order of magnitude. This is like standing in front of a microwave oven with the door open - in a few seconds you will have severe burns.

I can point out you're mistaken simply by saying "frequency".

it's power that kills. you can make a death ray with light, vhf, whatever, given enough power, which decay geometrically. most of the dead birds are on antennas without cover, where the birds would perch up and get fried. thousands of dead birds every day on top of builds is the sole reason all microwave antennas have that white half-cone cover on them.

Apparently birds colliding into towers is a thing.



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