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You’re thinking of the old C++/CX projection, and, yes, it was awful. C++/WinRT fits right in with modern c++ and got rid of ref new and hats.

Although C++/WinRT tooling is still lacking versus C++/CX, no syntax highlighting or intelisense for IDL files.

Also I don`t get the hate against C++/CLI and C++/CX.

Apparently everyone else is allowed to have language extensions on their C and C++ compilers, only Microsoft not.

C++/CLI is a necessary evil for operating on the CLR where are object lifetimes may be managed by the CLR and others follow standard C++ memory management. Ultimately it’s raison d'etre is to bridge native code to the CLR where P/Invoke or COM isn’t sufficient (lot of reasons that could be the case), so we deal with it.

C++/CX on the other hand only exists because Windows Runtime Components, while based on COM, is still a superset with new features that couldn’t be supported with C++98 and MSVC lacked the necessary C++11/17 features to implement it without needing compiler extensions.

Syntax highlighting and Intellisense being absent for MIDL 3 does indeed cause annoyance, however.

I guess those explanations were for the wider audience, I am perfectly fine with Microsoft's C++ dialects.

Actually my only complaint is the downgrade in tooling experience in name of some ISO purity that I don't care about, and other compiler vendors also do anyway.

For the time being I don't plan to adopt C++/WinRT until the tooling experience catches up with C++/CX.

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