The thing about those paranoid old fools is that some of them are right. But where they are stuck at the level of trying to convince others to just "look with your eyes, see the truth right in front of you!" those with actual experience with praxis know it's much more fruitful to put your efforts toward political campaigns. Grassroots is a thing but it's always some weird combination of coercion and rhetoric about morals and ethics, because most people don't care so you have to make them care before the movement picks up steam.
Talk is cheap. Have vegetarians converted a lot of people to give up meat?
No, you need viable alternatives for people to switch. Like the Impossible Burger and so on. Until then talking won’t change anything. Not even Snowden level revelations would change it. Sure you can try to use government to fight government. Or... just build the alternative.
We built the Web. We killed AOL MSN and Compuserve.
Build open source, end to end encrypted, self healing and rebalancing networks that use a version of Kademlia DHT that removes IP addresses from each hop. And also run consensus in small groups about stuff.
That’s the future right there. Trouble is, we are only seeing its infancy. I can think of about 2-3 projects that are pulling it off. And they have been working for years.
PS: When this happens, user accounts and quotas will be replaced with crypto, and centralized servers and databases will be only by opt in. They wouldn’t automatically be a thing just because they provide the infrastructure. Infra should become completely commoditized.
PPS: But. You’ll have to worry massivelu about botnets, sybil attacks and massive disinfo campaigns and reputationao attacks by sleeper AI bots. “Fun” times ahead ...