I don't think it's whataboutism if the argument is about whether The Other Guy will also end up being responsible for the death of thousands (or more) from some other event (planned or unplanned).
Not making an argument for either side, I just don't think it's whataboutism to argue that the variance of the incompetence of US presidents isn't very high.
> the variance of the incompetence of US presidents isn't very high
Bush: thousands dead through incompetence in the USA (Katrina, 9/11)
Trump: thousands dead through incompetence and malice in the USA (ICE, COVID-19)
I've taken out the "overseas wars" because that's shared across all of them.
Not making an argument for either side, I just don't think it's whataboutism to argue that the variance of the incompetence of US presidents isn't very high.