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A curated list for Kubernetes sources (github.com/ramitsurana)
125 points by alexellisuk on May 4, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

Is there a way to learn kubernetes in a short time, or in a way that you can primarily use a GUI to interact with it? Also why are there are so many distributions of it?

Kubernetes is a robot made of cats. Not robotic cats like Voltron. Actual, you know. Cats.

You can learn the basics in a week. It will take a very very long time to learn to be comfortable in it.

Kubernetes The Hard Way is the usual answer to "how do I learn this?"

This is unfortunately and hilariously accurate.

It’s a great system in a lot of ways, but it sure has lots of quirks.

> in a way that you can primarily use a GUI

Rancher filled this role for me. Would recommend.



Seconded. I used Rancher 1.x which used their own framework called Cattle. Since Kubernetes took off they moved exclusively to k8s. It's a great product.

https://infra.app/ is a great way to view, understand and troubleshoot apps on Kubernetes

The distros are provided by different vendors in the market (Red Hat, Pivotal, Rancher, others). It's a way for them to bundle in additional features while staying compliant with the standard Kubernetes APIs

I made a few YouTube videos showing how I get Rancher and a K8s cluster running in the DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes offering (DOKS)


Also available in text but it’s not as detailed as the videos, basically my cheat sheets published:


"Kubernetes in action" is a very good book. The first half can get you a pretty good hands-on understanding in 1-2 days.

There's a CLI named k9s[0] but it works like a GUI. It's pretty slick IMO.

[0]: https://github.com/derailed/k9s

Udemy has good Kubernetes training. If you're hoping for an easy-to-use one-click GUI - good luck. vSphere 7 is finally integrating containers into their platform but even that is a mess to get up and running at this point.

There are so many distributions because it's COMPLICATED. Everyone is approaching it from a different angle trying to make it consumable by the enterprise.

If you look for the kubernetes code labs on google cloud, they’ll get you deploying stuff to kubernetes in a few minutes.

Simple way to learn is to load up an AKS cluster (free for the master, simple to follow tutorials online), then learn to create a deployment and link a service to it (just a yaml file). It's really only an extra step or two on running a docker container.

Here are some resources I collected over the time



https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10NltoF_6y3mBwUzQ4bcQ... (The Kubernetes Learning Resources List)


















https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22597880 (Kind - run local Kubernetes clusters using Docker (k8s.io))

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22689119 (Anyone have a recommended guide for Kubernetes?)






https://youtu.be/0Omvgd7Hg1I (Life of a Packet [I] - Michael Rubin, Google)


Books and Courses:

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests by Mumshad Mannambeth



https://kodekloud.com/purchase?product_id=1521961&coupon_cod... (Labs - Certified Kubernetes Administrator with Practice Tests)


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2We04F3Y_41lFKy19ig_... (JSON PATH)

https://kodekloud.com/p/json-path-quiz (JSON PATH Quiz- FREE COURSE)



Kubernetes The Hard Way https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way




Kubernetes: Up and Running: Dive into the Future of Infrastructure 2nd Edition



More at http://Learn.SharjeelSayed.com

If you think k8s is too complex for you, you don't need it.

Not to sound cocky, but there are probably below 1000 companies on earth that need it.

GKE on Google Cloud has a robust interface and is very usable in my experience.

ISTIO has been a good Kubernetes service mesh for a project I've been working on, and has been the hardest part to tie down though. So many obscure settings and hard-to-track-down information, especially in a sea of options and possible configurations.

Since our SSL is terminated in AWS our cluster was treating things as mostly "HTTP" internally and TLS-redirect HTTP->HTTPS wasn't working and other ISTIO redirects were returning HTTP when original context was HTTPS. It took lots of reading and digging through posts to find references to an "externalTrafficPolicy" setting that was crucial to fixing the problem. That was the most painful k8s/ISTIO thing that came up.

What version of istio? mTLS was a big pain point at my place until 1.14 which now has has "auto mtls": https://archive.istio.io/v1.4/docs/tasks/security/authentica...

It really depends on your security posture. We wanted traffic between services within the service mesh to be encrypted too.

This is curated? I look at "starting points" and still can't see the wood for the trees. And I'm far from a beginner since I've been doing the whole container thing for several years now.

Yes I think the mods should rename this to something more general like “List of kubernetes resources.” The awesome-* lists are not “curated” but rather a dumping ground of links one or two edges away from the core theme.

Curation in the context of Kubernetes is even more laughable because the community is a dumping ground of projects all trying to solve the same problems in slightly different ways. The CNCF Landscape is probably my favorite example of this. I don’t think they’ve ever seen a project they didn’t like.

I guess if you're larping as Google it helps to have a list of the lore.

I prefer to stick to the Unix Canon myself.

That drives home the cambrian explosion happening in the k8s world.

Kubernetes is a software varnish how a puppet master thinks how puppets should behave. Thing is, the puppets turn out to be almost humans and are a big heap of undeterministic behavior. But hey it is all in a sandbox so you can try and try again forever. It is like an avoid work machinery creating endless work and fun. It doesn't really matter... as an achievement.

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