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VC4A | PHP Developer | Netherlands (Remote) |

Join our international team building VC4A.com as a platform and online resource for emerging market entrepreneurs. Our target is founders building high growth high impact ventures. Our mission is to support quality entrepreneurs from all corners of the globe and to connect them to growth opportunities and capital resources.

As an experienced PHP Developer, you are hands-on with the VC4A.com platform and are instrumental in determining what happens next with this beautiful project! Our only limitation is our imagination.

- You have at least 5 years of professional experience as a Software Developer.

- PHP is your native language, but you’re not bound by it.

- You familiar with autoload and PSRs.

- You’re capable of using accepted best practices and principles, such as SOLID and design patterns.

- You’re experienced in writing high-performance code for a large high volume platform.

- Experience with writing custom code for WordPress is a big plus.

- Experience with other technologies like Elastic search, GraphQL, and VueJS is a plus.

- You are familiar with using package managers such as Composer and Yarn.

- You don’t get scared when you have to write a bit of JavaScript.

Please share the opportunity or apply directly to this position via the VC4A.com website ->


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