SkySight | | REMOTE | Part-time/Contract | React/CSS/UI/UX developer
Small company based in Germany, myself and a few contractors, looking for React JS/Native/CSS/UI/UX skills for a frontend rewrite project. Must have an eye for good design/UX.
WebGL/GIS/charting/infovis/aviation/weather skills a bonus.
Hey matthew,
I have seen your job post in for remote ReactJs developer. I have a recommendation for one of my colleague from our Freelancer team who is expert ReactJS developer.
Technical Skills: React, HTML5, CSS3, UI/UX, WebGL
Availability: Full Time / Part Time / Remote
Experience: 5+ years
Rate: $35/hr
WebGL/GIS/charting/infovis/aviation/weather skills a bonus.
email to: matthew (at)