A lot of people seem to think tmux is a replacement for a window manger which IMO isn’t quite right.
Personally I use it to organize VT sessions by topic; I’ll make a tmux socket in the root of a project (or at work, ticket) folder and leave things like vim running, that way I never end up loosing vim and opening it twice. You still need a window manager in addition to this to handle efermal windows (browsers, REPLs, other VTs with tmux for other projects etc.)
Also it keeps things from getting SIGHUP. Some fancy VT app probably isn’t going to do that and it’s certainly not going to do it in a platform agnostic way.
Personally I use it to organize VT sessions by topic; I’ll make a tmux socket in the root of a project (or at work, ticket) folder and leave things like vim running, that way I never end up loosing vim and opening it twice. You still need a window manager in addition to this to handle efermal windows (browsers, REPLs, other VTs with tmux for other projects etc.)
Also it keeps things from getting SIGHUP. Some fancy VT app probably isn’t going to do that and it’s certainly not going to do it in a platform agnostic way.