I still follow and keep upto date with most gaming releases but for some reason find the vast majority of them underwhelming these days. Lots of well made time sinks which when I was younger is probably all I wanted but now I'm always looking for something special and never finding it.
I used to waste/invest so much time into games, but now with a wife+kid+job I just don't want to spend my precious time on just any game. It has to be THE game. The perfect game.
Alas, I haven't found it yet. (Factorio comes very close, but it is too time intensive. You can't just play Factorio for 30 minutes.)
As far as games that I've enjoyed recently there is: Disco Elysium (enjoyed more than any AAA game I've played in a long time). No Mans Sky, despite it not living up to it's hype I do enjoy it a lot, easy to get lost in your own stories. I was enjoying Bloodbourne but I don't want to invest the amount of time needed to git gud. And that's about it... any recommendations on your end other than Factorio? it's been recommended to me by a couple of people but it looks a bit too grindy and addictive for my personality.