>MacOS has a consistent UI across all applications
Let's see my currently running apps :
Chrome - no
Firefox - no
Slack - no
intellij IDEs - no
VSCode - no
Spotify - maybe kinda sortof ?
VLC - no
WhatsApp - no
Telegram - no
Steam - no
What is this consistent UI you speak of ? Most of these apps look the same on windows.
The only reason I own a MacBook is because I wanted a single device and I occasionally need to do some osx/iOS work - would be happier with windows laptop for sure
The problem with Windows 10 is that it doesn't have consistent UI across applications from MS, bundled with system. Heck, there is even 3 or 4 different styles for context menu. They are trying to roll out Fluent Design for what, 3 years now? New control panel is also kinda laughable functionality wise. And I write it as W10 user.
If I could do this easily these things on Windows in every application, it would be a great start. I have to use Mac and Windows for work and I still think that Mac gets in your way less than Windows do.
Just to make sure I understand you, I need to install something to have great UX on Windows? You see how quickly we getting there, default UX on Windows is crap but you can install x,y,z. This is exactly why I use MacOS because I am tired of tracking what exactly is doing those things I (and many other people) need on a daily basis on Windows.
So where is a calendar widget in the OSX that allows me to see my events when I click on it ? Why do I have to install itsycal when windows has it built in to the os date time widget which is superior to OSX ?
It's a ridiculous argument and I don't see why screen capture should be a part of the OS other than you expect it from OSX.
Besides the UX of OSX screen capture is inferior compared to Greenshot - much easier to determine the capture target and way more options - I don't want to spam my desktop with screenshots.
Let's see my currently running apps :
Chrome - no
Firefox - no
Slack - no
intellij IDEs - no
VSCode - no
Spotify - maybe kinda sortof ?
VLC - no
WhatsApp - no
Telegram - no
Steam - no
What is this consistent UI you speak of ? Most of these apps look the same on windows.
The only reason I own a MacBook is because I wanted a single device and I occasionally need to do some osx/iOS work - would be happier with windows laptop for sure