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Schizophrenia seems like a tricky one given that its triggers are less well understood and trauma seems to be part of it (so maybe knowing would lead to increased anxiety/stress which could make onset more likely?).

Otherwise it seems like whether or not you test the reality is set independent of your knowledge of it. I'd like to think that I'd want to test given that, but I suppose it's hard to know how I'd act without really being in that position.

I loved his book, but I think I disagree with him on this - feels like a rationalization of an irrational thing.

My experience was similar to the author's in that I grew up around family members who were in advanced stages. The possibility of inheritance stares you in the face whenever they're around.

If there was a conclusive test, I would definitely take it for the sake of future offspring. Otherwise, it would likely give me more anxiety than useful information.

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