I don’t think Lee ever toiled. He was a “maker” in the best sense of the word. And, to this day, when he expresses himself in the limited ways he still does, he searches Google or YouTube for “Cloudflare.”
In Lee's case, at least when he started his career; the answer to that is definitely "yes". He didn't "toil", and he was working on something he believed in and was passionate about.
While Lee's personality changed a lot over time, he was always the guy who got more out of hanging out in a garage building something than someone touring France/Italy/etc.
That's the answer to "Would you spend your last 10 years securing a guaranteed multi-million dollar payout?" not "Would you work your tail off for a gamble?"
10 good years is a long time. As a founder I would guess he truly believed in the mission, at least before FTD took hold, and I think that kind of pursuit would be more fulfilling than a 10 year vacation.