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A bit to the topic - what's wrong with good old:

  python -m venv env
  env/bin/pip install <whatever>


Its behaviour isn't reproducible unless you've frozen your dependencies, and once you've frozen them it becomes very difficult to upgrade any of them. And if your project is itself a library then freezing is basically not viable, so every developer is testing with a slightly different set of dependency versions.

This combines poorly with the fact that venvs are stateful and easy to get mixed up. If you accidentally run the pip install for project A in the terminal window for project B, then you have quite possibly permanently fucked up that venv - there's no reliable way to roll back to the previous state - and if you regenerate it from scratch then, per the previous point, you'll probably get different versions of your transitive dependencies. If your tests were previously passing and now fail - or, worse, were previously failing and now pass - then you're gonna have to abandon whatever you were previously doing for an unknown length of time and deal with this.

Beyond that, those two commands (already twice as many as I'd like) don't tell you anything about how to run unit tests or package up your application for distribution, so you've got a bunch more commands to memorise, which tend to vary between one project and another because how to do those things also changes every two years. And since venv and pip were only included in quite recent versions of Python, if you've got some projects that are using older versions too then you have to memorise a couple more sets of commands for that stuff as well. The whole thing's such a mess that it almost makes docker seem like a sensible idea.

In order to reproducibly package a project with venv, you need to manage venv, requirements.in, requirements.lock, setup.py, pip-tools, MANIFEST.in, and maybe some other things that I'm forgetting. It's just unmanageable.

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