> Gates for president actually seems like a pretty good idea at this point.
Gates seems like a good idea now because he's knowledgeable about public health, at least more than Trump. But do you want Gates negotiating with China, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell? Do you want him to make decisions about law enforcement?
Maybe you do, but my point is that every president has weaknesses. The solution is for them to surround themselves with subject-matter experts and let those people lead. The problem with Trump is that most people loathe working with him, or they end up contradicting him and getting pushed out (like Dr. Fauci).
You may think you want Trump to manage this crisis, but you actually just want what most presidents have offered in the past: someone with at least enough intellectual humility to listen to their own advisers.
> But do you want Gates negotiating with China, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell? Do you want him to make decisions about law enforcement
Yes, I do. I want anyone who has such a large base of competencies, can consume and comprehend books at a rate that most people consume Doritos, has run one of the largest tech companies in the world and currently runs one of the largest philanthropic organizations, and has learned many lessons on how to communicate with individuals, organizations and government. We could do worse...
Gates seems like a good idea now because he's knowledgeable about public health, at least more than Trump. But do you want Gates negotiating with China, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell? Do you want him to make decisions about law enforcement?
Maybe you do, but my point is that every president has weaknesses. The solution is for them to surround themselves with subject-matter experts and let those people lead. The problem with Trump is that most people loathe working with him, or they end up contradicting him and getting pushed out (like Dr. Fauci).
You may think you want Trump to manage this crisis, but you actually just want what most presidents have offered in the past: someone with at least enough intellectual humility to listen to their own advisers.