I like Perl a lot, it is the language I have used the most in my professional career. That being said, on my last two workplaces it happened to be in the list of forbidden technologies, not even being able to write a simple one liner and instead having to resort to using awk, sed and the like. It sadly suffers from underserved hate from developers who never used it.
s/underserved/undeserved/ eh? (I don't mean to criticize, I've just been noticing a lot of malapropisms recently. I suspect some auto-correct is goofing up.)
Somewhat deserved, surely?
Perl is like the Continuum transfunctioner, "Its power is exceeded only by its mystery." ;-)
Can you expand on the "forbidden technologies"? What else was on the list, what were the penalties for entering forbidden territory? Could you use it on your own machine for research?