I've been developing UnityJS for scripting and integrating Unity3D with JavaScript, which works not only very well with the WebGL platform, but also on iOS, Android, and desktop. It's a work in progress, so it's low on tooling and documentation right now, but I've been using it successfully for quite some time for a lot of different things, and making a lot of progress towards modularizing it, documenting it, and making it easier for other people to use. Please contact me if you're interested!
Developing and applying UnityJS, an open source Unity3D C#/JavaScript bridge for rapidly developing and deploying dynamically extensible cross platform Unity3D apps programmed in JavaScript, and efficiently integrating Unity3D with off-the-shelf and bespoke web technologies and services.
Seeking to collaborate with people who can see and benefit from the obvious and subtle applications to rapid prototyping, exploratory iterative development, interactive debugging, live programming, deeply integrating web technologies and JSON with Unity3D, scriptable VR and AR platforms, and delivering open-ended extensible 3D browser-like applications on WebGL, mobile and desktop platforms.
I've been developing and supporting the open source UnityJS core by integrating both popular free Unity and JavaScript libraries (i.e. JSONDotNet, LeanTween, TextMesh Pro, UnityGLTF, SocketIO networking, Ace code editor, d3 visualization library, etc) and proprietary libraries and extensions (i.e. JauntVR SDK, MapBox SDK, your own SDK, or bespoke code that I develop), so they can all be easily and efficiently scripted and orchestrated together in JavaScript.
So far I've applied UnityJS to JauntVR's panoramic VR video player on Android, WovenAR's scriptable AR platform on iOS, and ReasonStreet's interactive financial data driven visualization system on WebGL, and I'm looking for other interesting people to work with on exciting and fitting applications for UnityJS!
You're confusing UnityJS with UnityScript, which is a common misconception. I wrote about the anathema that is UnityScript in another posting to this thread, and it is a completely different thing that the standard JavaScript engine that UnityJS uses.
UnityJS seamlessly supports TypeScript and all the standard JavaScript based libraries, languages, development tools, and linters, just like any browser or node.js server does, while UnityScript is nowhere near compatible enough with standard JavaScript to compile the output of the TypeScript compiler, it's not well supported by many IDEs, it's way behind the latest version of JavaScript, has non-standard half-baked extensions, and it is not capable of running any of the millions of standard JavaScript library, like UnityJS can.
So how do you like the C# and UnityScript debugging tools on the iOS, Android, and WebGL Unity3D platforms?
How does MonoDevelop compare to the standard JavaScript debuggers built into all web browsers, and their interactive consoles and data structure browsers, which support remote debugging of code running on mobile devices?
Can you set a source level breakpoint on your C# or UnityScript code that's running on an iOS device in a WebGL/WebAssembly based browser?
And how long does your typical Unity3D application take to compile and deploy, before you can see the changes you made to your code?
(I know the answers, I'm just asking rhetorically, because you know the answers too: Debugging Unity C# or UnityScript code totally sucks, especially on mobile devices and web browsers, and recompiling it is glacially slow. The MonoDevelop debugger is terrible, and it doesn't even support the il2cpp back-end, which includes iOS and WebGL, and it barely supports the deprecated Mono back-end, and crashes all the time if you can even get it to connect for a few seconds. Those are extremely painful problems that UnityJS solves.)
Email: don@donhopkins.com
Developing and applying UnityJS, an open source Unity3D C#/JavaScript bridge for rapidly developing and deploying dynamically extensible cross platform Unity3D apps programmed in JavaScript, and efficiently integrating Unity3D with off-the-shelf and bespoke web technologies and services.
Seeking to collaborate with people who can see and benefit from the obvious and subtle applications to rapid prototyping, exploratory iterative development, interactive debugging, live programming, deeply integrating web technologies and JSON with Unity3D, scriptable VR and AR platforms, and delivering open-ended extensible 3D browser-like applications on WebGL, mobile and desktop platforms.
I've been developing and supporting the open source UnityJS core by integrating both popular free Unity and JavaScript libraries (i.e. JSONDotNet, LeanTween, TextMesh Pro, UnityGLTF, SocketIO networking, Ace code editor, d3 visualization library, etc) and proprietary libraries and extensions (i.e. JauntVR SDK, MapBox SDK, your own SDK, or bespoke code that I develop), so they can all be easily and efficiently scripted and orchestrated together in JavaScript.
So far I've applied UnityJS to JauntVR's panoramic VR video player on Android, WovenAR's scriptable AR platform on iOS, and ReasonStreet's interactive financial data driven visualization system on WebGL, and I'm looking for other interesting people to work with on exciting and fitting applications for UnityJS!
Here are some other things I've written about it on HN (in chronological order):