I have a feeling governments are going to relax restrictions given the enormous economic costs we're absorbing right now. It may be medically advisable to keep this up for like 18 months, but there's a cost to plunging the world into a global depression that could outweigh the cost of treating a rampant virus. At some point we're going to have to declare the curve to be sufficiently flattened and ride it out until a vaccine can be deployed.
You got to ask, are our homes burning, our factories being bombed. Our skilled workers going to die?
Answer is no.
Only danger we face if we bring the hammer down and squash this is it'll upset the delicacy balanced system extracting passive rents from working class people.
And then we'll have to learn to live with the knowledge that our "strong" economy can't handle a pandemic with a 1% death rate, and that we were incapable of handling it as well as other countries like South Korea.