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Isn't it optional? I guess it can be turned off in Android settings, but I don't know, because I actually want it.

What infuriates me, on the other hand, is that since some Android version the fucking thing demands me to enter the PIN after some time (72 hours, I guess) of successfully using fingerprint-lock only. And I don't think you can turn it off in the settings, I tried, I didn't find a way. And this is really stupid, both because it's not their fucking business if I don't worry about my device security so much, and because the attack vector it protects from is exotic to say the least: so the attacker already has my fingerprints, is successfully using them for the last 3 days to unlock the phone, didn't let the phone to be turned off during that time, but somehow still didn't steal all my data and can only do that after 72 hours after last I unlocked my phone with a PIN? Fuck you, Google, or whoever thought this is a good idea.

> it's not their fucking business if I don't worry about my device security so much

precisely. It's obnoxious.

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