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> Why on earth are the two related?

Apple aspires to a future where there's no point stealing an unattended iPhone, because it'll have an unbypassable lock for sure, and hence zero stolen goods value.

Could you elaborate? Why is there no value to a locked iPhone? Can you not still wipe it and reuse it?

My n=1 experience with people stealing phones is that they couldn't care less whether it was locked or not. I presume worst case it is sold for parts.

> Could you elaborate? Why is there no value to a locked iPhone? Can you not still wipe it and reuse it?

iPhones have a feature called activation lock. You can't wipe them without the previous owner's AppleID.

Right, I wasn't aware of that. Thanks!

And what does this have to do with Apple Pay?

I could swipe your phone and go make purchases with it. iPhone thefts would be off the charts

No you can't, that's precisely my point.

A passcode or touchID is needed to make a payment with Apple Pay, irrespective of whether or not your phone is unlocked.

GP probably read your post the same way as I did:

> Why are the 2 related? I'd like to use ApplePay without TouchID or a PIN.

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