kOS! Some of the people who helped work on that hang around news.YC!
There's some pretty interesting stuff on it. The Impending kOS paper has probably introduced more people to APL and k than just about anything at this point.
It was directly the reason I wrote oK. I wasn't satisfied with learning k4 when I knew that somewhere out there Arthur was tinkering with k5, and the only way to have it was to build it...
K1 was never available outside of Morgan Stanley AFAIK, and I’ve never seen any docs of it. So ...
APL -> A+ : opinionated (vector indices always start at 0, for example) and “electric” GUI (deserves a whole post to describe)
A+ -> K2 : significantly simplified - only ascii, no multidimensional arrays (uses nested vectors instead), much smaller vocabulary but just as effective in the basics department (e.g. the Whitney where/replicate monastic operator replaces 6 or 7 APL operators), added simple dictionaries, workspaces, dropped a lot of math from language. Simpler electric GUI. Time and date native types (as floating point)
K2 -> K3 mostly dropped GUI afaik. Added integral time and date.
k3 -> K4/kdb+: simplifies language more, comprehensive dictionary, TSDB rolled deeply into language (was previously a product written in K), native 64 bit support.
K4->K6: still more simplification, I think k6 is the kOS language. Never left dev state.
K6->k7->k9: continuous simplification, now at shakti rather than kx/firstderivatives - and with much more community involvement.
“Replaces” in the sense that you would use it instead, and not feel like you are missing something, not in the sense that it is equivalent char-per-char.
APL has a few expand/compress operators that take a boolean vector; all of these in K use monadic & (where/replicate), either on the at-index e.g. +/a[&x>3] which is read “sum over a where x is greater than 3”, or at the amend-index, e.g. @[&7 9 15;i:&x>3;:;7-x@|i] which is read “in a vector with seven 0s, followed by nine 1s and fifteen 2s, in the indices where x is greater than 3 (call those indices i), place 7 minus those values from the same indices in reverse order.
Obviously contrived examples, but in APL you’d have to compress/expand a couple of times instead. (Sorry, don’t remember the operator names, my APL is rusty, last wrote a real program in 1992....)
I'm not familiar with J but it also appears to have something similar. However the resulting code seems a bit more convoluted than the K version.
+/ (I. a>3) { a
I see the one letter email is spreading..... I’m actually surprised Arthur can live with such a long and verbose email address - 12 whole letters is almost enough for him to write an music player or something.
There's some pretty interesting stuff on it. The Impending kOS paper has probably introduced more people to APL and k than just about anything at this point.