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Smart of you to target Nest cameras, since those customers don't care about privacy as much as HN readers that comment on threads like these do.

There is plenty of academic research done on this stuff (I know, because a group at my department did these things for elderly care). Have you looked into this, or are you making your entirely own thing from scratch?

Thanks :) we are definitely trying not to re-invent the wheel. We have been using various open source tools that are available and have been building on top of those... if you know of something that you think would be particularly useful for us to look into, I would love to know about it.

Dipak Surie was at my department. His work focused, as I understood it, on learning what tasks people were trying to perform and what actions were included in those. Say that a person with dementia may be trying to make coffee, and would forget what they were doing halfway through. The system would understand that and help out by saying what the next action should be.

https://scholar.google.se/citations?user=-mxqfbIAAAAJ&hl=sv&... is his Google Scholar page.

Thanks for sharing. Sounds pretty cool. We will look into it!

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