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I am planning on adding functionality like this to ripgrep. If folks have opinions on how it should work, I'd love to hear from you! https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/1497

Thank you for ripgrep! I will mention it in that thread too but I'm AFK so before I forget...

I'm imagining a "drill down" TUI with rg and fzf. fzf can be good for both filenames and other filter-downs. Thinking of breadcrumbs and easily stepping forward or backward, ability to easily bookmark/"pin" parts of search paths as presets for easy reuse later, etc.

EDIT: I recognize this would be outside of the scope of rg itself, I'm voicing it in case it sparks ideas about the functionality you're thinking of adding. I'll think more about it and see if I can explain better

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