> No they don't. Thare no files to read. You just wrote above in your commetn [sic] that the first time OS boots ifcfg are generate [sic]. So after a machine is coldstarted there are no ifcfg files!
As long as you don't reinstall your OS, or lose your data, your config files are there. Cold starting hardware does not delete data.
Alright, figured it out. When you talk about coldstaring you really mean restarting the machine, as in pressing the reset button for example. When I talk about coldstarting I mean starting with a bare hardware box and installing an OS on it.
> Are you trolling?
Actually I thought you were. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
[EDIT: I won't edit my previous posts, otherwise your posts won't make sense, let others laugh at my bad English (it is a 3rd language so I don't mind)]
No probs. Most places I've worked at use 'provision' or 'bare metal' for an os install plus mop up work, starting cold as a way to differentiate from warm booting, appreciate different places may have different systems though. Thanks for being classy about it :-)
As long as you don't reinstall your OS, or lose your data, your config files are there. Cold starting hardware does not delete data.
Are you trolling?