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Discussion about my previous project: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16756901 was much bigger in comparison with this project - this is surprising me.

Probably just timing. I find it pretty cool, but I have nothing to say. I'm impressed with the work and would like to do the same myself, but I'm not sure immediately where I'd use this and when I'll have time. I've put it in the section of my brain where I keep things for "when I'll need it, go look this crazy ambitious project".

If I can provide more feedback, while looking at your project, I had the following thoughts:

  - This is super impressive.
  - I'm thankful that people spend time making technology 
  - I'm sure this will grow over time and more "complex" 
  technology will become open this way.
  - I'm curious in which context the author decided to 
  dedicate that much time to this cause (probably in 
  academia? or someone with access to a lab and a lot of 
  experience in all the fields involved in this project).

Thank you for reply!

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