I use php in my part time work every day, and I can honestly say this hilarious post made me consider using ruby. Unfortunately, I am the sole developer/maintainer on a huge project which languages don't stretch beyond php.
I came to this project in this state and I must say that clean code like demonstrated in this post, would have made the cleanup job I've attempted a heck of a lot easier.
Php is easy, but messy php code is not only extremely unsecure but also extremely hard for a new developer to adapt to.
My own PHP work where I have been the sole developer for most is great for me to work with. Having to mod a zen cart over the past week though makes me agree with you, that thing most be the kind of messy and obscure PHP open source projects.
I came to this project in this state and I must say that clean code like demonstrated in this post, would have made the cleanup job I've attempted a heck of a lot easier.
Php is easy, but messy php code is not only extremely unsecure but also extremely hard for a new developer to adapt to.