HN comments are a DAG. DAGs are branchy, which is the problem. It seems like you want to merge or rebase the two comments and then reply with a new node pointing to the last of them.
Come on don’t be pedantic you know what I mean - I mean a DAG that is not also a tree - so using the merging property of a DAG.
If HN were a DAG then I could make this reply to your comment and someone else’s on another part of the discussion at the same time.
> merge or rebase
These are source control terms - I’m not sure how they apply here.
Git is a DAG too.
The branches could come back together again.
HN comments are a DAG. DAGs are branchy, which is the problem. It seems like you want to merge or rebase the two comments and then reply with a new node pointing to the last of them.