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No that’s not true at all but sure.

The problem with Analytica is it was done without your knowledge as a user. If you had volunteered to share tour data with CA how is that is that different from sharing it with Google or Instagram or any other service? We pick services to use in exchange for data everyday.

Why is it different if Facebook has access to your data from any other service? You just pick one.

Anyway this is the only solution and it will eventually be implemented. Either that or the Warren plan.

Main issue with CA wasn’t that it got data of users of an app - people have explicitly gave consent for it. They scraped data of your friends, that shared this data with you, and made it a big deal. Users explicitly granted access to data, but their friends didn’t. If you have an open API between networks, how is that different?

User A uses app X and shares data with user B. User B uses app Y. App Y is scraping data. They now have data of both user B (which expressed consent) and user A (which didn’t). It’s exactly like Cambridge Analitica.

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