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since all seems so clear to you, would you mind give some translation of each non plain English word used, or some glossaries explaining each?

Including: p -> position, pointer ? lp -> location pointer ? bss ??? e -> expression ? emitted code? le -> location of emitted code?

Num number? -> why 128, I guess it's related to ASCII ending at 127 Fun function? Sys ??? Glo ??? Loc location? Id identifier?

[reserved keyword are mostly complete word] Char (charset, sign) Else Enum (enumeration, roll) If Int Return Sizeof (size of, heft) While

Assign (assignation, peg) Cond (condition, ply) Lor (logical? or, ere) Lan (logical? and, also) Or Xor (exclusive or, otherwise) And Eq (equals, dows) Ne (not equals, jars) Lt (lower than, Gt (greater than, Le (lower equal Ge (greater equal Shl (shift left, haw) Shr (shift right, gee) Add Sub (subtract, take) Mul (multiply, time) Div (divide, rive) Mod (modulo, lap) Inc (increment, amp/eke/pip) Dec (decrement, ebb/dip) Brak (break, blow)

between parentheses I provided a guess, and a real English word that could carry the same meaning, generally in less than four letters.

I didn't go further in the code so far.

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