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I think ultimately this cynicism is born out of envy/jealousy for the good will that such a donation engenders.

As you've pointed out, any logical analysis would conclude that, even in the most extreme cases, there's still a sizable positive benefit to society.

People have a problem with "undeserved" good will as if good will is some scarce resource that's limited in supply. I think the reality is they're envious.

Angry. The word you are looking for is angry.

Its just a constant reminder that we live at the mercy of these elites, that our tax dollars don't appear to have any effect in bringing about the change that we want because these scumbags have rewritten the laws in their favour so that the money only concentrates towards them.

What can we do about it? Absolutely nothing, but I'm sure as hell not going to pander to their 'benevolence'

Is there anything Bezos could do at this point that would NOT make you angry?

Somehow use most of his filthy amount of wealth, much of it acquired in filthy ways, to things that are not him?

I'm perpetually baffled at how one person having this much wealth is somehow considered okay. Sure, we can argue about where it goes instead, but jesus christ is this an unfathomable amount of wealth that really shouldn't be in one person's control.

I honestly cannot understand this attitude. It sounds like pure jealousy. You are saying that we should stop people from being too successful.

Bezos earned all of his wealth honestly. He offered products and services for prices that people were willing to pay. He did not steal. He did not force anyone into anything. If he is stupid rich, it is because he was able to provide things people wanted more effectively than anyone else.

How can you possibly justify punishing success? What right do we have to give him money for doing what we want, and then turning around and taking it away. What sort of message does that send to other people?

"Work hard and be successful, but not TOO successful..."

I could go into the broader problem I have with a single person having that much wealth/power.

But really, mostly it's that Bezos is a giant piece of shit. His company has a long history of controversy and anything good he does doesn't erase that. That has nothing to do with all the upstanding people in the world who are trying to be 'successful'.

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