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> Lühmann used pen and paper


And he collected and refinend his knowledgebase for nearly 40 decades, because this was actually his job and he had nothing better at hand. Most people today use knoweldebases just a tool on the side and they have computers now. Naturally they strive for faster workload and higher quality. Something you can't get with pen&paper.

> Will Roam or Evernote be around and well maintained in 20 years?

Probably not, maybe they are. But they are not good competition there. Evernote is mostly tooling and servers, just a bit interface and mostly just fancy richtext. The advantage over markdown is quite thin these days. Roam might be a bit better, bit I think it's just a fancy wiki with autolinking, so not really good either.

The actual competition are apps like notion and airtable and Office Suits. Interfaces and tooling which goes above and beyond simple test with fancy colors. Markdown is not there, probably never will be. Orgmode to some parts goes there, but has other problems.

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